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supper fun setting! guaranteed festive hilarity.
by Oskar Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/13/2023 06:57:20 |
Pretty much a shelf stuffer, but you might find a good story seed or two if you're desperate enough.
This is a terrific product - not just for Airship Daedalus, but as a resource for any pulp game.
The book details a number of fictional, legendary and mythical places for the Airship Daedalus game (stats are provided), giving history, description and (in nearly all cases) maps.
Just to give a feel for the amount of material, the book is divided into Aquatic and Island locales, Subterranean Locales, Secluded Locales and Temporal Locales, as well as a Bestiary, Equipment and GM section. Speciifc places detailed incude Atlantis, Caprona, Hy Brasil, Innsmouth, Isla Meurte (Skull Island), Agartha, The Hollow Earth, Ape City, El Dorado, Hyperborea, Maple White Land and many more.
Many maps and illustratiosn are provided, and these are pretty much universally excellent. The maps are also provided in a seperate pdf file for ease of use.
The Bestiary includes dinosaurs and other megafauna, and the equipment section has vehicles and weapons, both mundane and fantastic. Detaisl are also provided for the current Nautilus and its Captain Nemo, as well as the Albatross and the successor to Robur.
A full colour and printer version are provided, and to be honest, i think this is one of the best pulp resources I have seen in a long while. A great job that the authors shoudl be proud of
Great supplement for Mean streets, loads of villains and scenario ideas. Highly recommended
Honest Review: I helped playtest for which I received a copy of the game, but there was no expectation of or any other incentive for providing a review.
Grimmworld is a fast-moving, flexible system that facilitates great storytelling. The card-based system is innovative and refreshing for people looking for a different way of managing randomness and control: sometimes you just have to play a card you don't necessarily want to and sometimes you can make a situation really go in your favour. The great thing is it makes the game very inclusive as all players are encouraged to get involved and make decisions about what cards to play and when.
I am a huge fan of the Romantic/Gothic time period and the Downings' take on it with a sprinkle of faerie and alt history makes it just the right balance of accessibility and defamiliarization for novices and experts. If you can afford it the hard copy is a great looking book. Sized and mocked up like a period travel journal, there are great illustrations and clever details you will enjoy.
I highly recommend Grimmworld as a quick to pick up system that gamers of all stripes will enjoy.
I bought my first copy of Arrowflight in 2002, and it has remained my favoutite fantasy RPG system ever since. Over the years I have acquired all the various expansions for both editions of the system, and I was awaiting Realms of Death with some considerable expectation ...
The book is perfect bound with a good front cover and excellent internal artwork, although I did find the map a little hard to read (must be my eyes!). The artwork is in the same 'computer generated' style as Lands of Enchantment, and looks pretty nifty - and it certaily fits with the setting.
The setting for this sourcebook is of a fantasy 'Africa' - and this is all but unique in my experince! Whilst a few RP games have dabbled with non-European based fantasy settings (Maztica etc), very few (if any) have been based on an entirely African theme, and this makes both a welcome change of feel, pace and substance. Rich in 'history' and with oodles of additional rules, options, ideas & setting specific monsters & character options, Realms of Death is both a major addition to the Arrowflight setting and system and a good read in its own right.
In addition to the setting, more material is provided on the settings own 'Underworld' - both the Caverns of Chaos & the City of Truth get expanded material (including more Demonic and Angelic race stats), and (much more interstingly) a big expansion of the settings theology also provide a glimpse into some of the non-human/variant human religions and their gods realms.
I did spot a few typo's and formatting errors in the book, but these are very minor and will probably be missed at speedy read speed or at a cursory glance - and they do not detract from either the value of the book or its material.
The PDF contains the exact same material as the book - BUT I did find my copy of the PDF has an annoyng formatting error - some of the artwork appears to have had the images 'flipped over' vertically, resulting in some unsightly distortions that spoil them utterly. I've yet to decide if these faults are a result of the download, or they're systemic to the PDF itsefl. Whilst they do NOT affect the value of the material and rules one bit, they do mean that anyone printing their PDF will get a less than 100% version compared to the print copy.
The book rates the full 5 stars given below, the PDF gets 4.
Very witty! Perfect for someone like me, who can't go an RPG session without a pop culture refreance.
I was looking for a quick pulp rule set to run a quick game at an RPG party. This did not disappoint. Simple and fast with just enough rules to not get in its own way.
Ran this the Wednesday before Xmas instead of my usual D&D. Had 9 PCs. Everyone LOVED it! Took the original Dead Letter scenario, added in secret TINSC (There is no Santa Clause - "tin-sink") Part to the Anti-Christmas villian set, with "Postal Inspectors" equiped with 'The World As It Really Is' ("TWAIRI") ray guns that give -1 to Xmas Spirit score. A zero and an elf simply becomes a cynical short person. Also equipped the Inspectors with "Postal Regulation" book grenades - they explode (10ft radius) papering the targets with postal reg pages that stick to them, immobalizing and blinding the target for 1D6 turns.
Will see if I can work up a Valentine or Easter adventure next!
A quick simple system go play out that cool fantasy world you have had stuck in your head for years.
I found this adventure aid a little disappointing. I was looking for an aid that would help me throw Krampus into an existing campaign as a Christmas aside. What I found was a wealth of background information for people who have no idea who Krampus is, which it seems to me is not who would be interested in the product. That background information is readily available on the Internet. The rest of the material, which related to ideas how to bring Krampus into a campaign and statistical information on Krampus and his minions (which is the part I thought I was going to be excited about), turned out to be bound with iron shackles to the game system of the creators of the product, and just to read through it assumed and demanded intimate familiarity with that system. Also the tone was a little silly in places, which to me is not a deal-breaker, but combined with the product's other weaknesses turned me off to the supplement. I suspect this tone is characteristic of their whole game system, which I found jarring--and this opinion should be consdered pretty definitive coming from a player of such romps as Toon and Bunnies & Burrows! For a truly entertaining and engaging read on Krampus, I'd instead refer gamers (or anyone else) to Brom's eponymous novel Krampus.
Creator Reply: |
"...bound with iron shackles..." we see what you did there. :)
As stated in the product description, A Very Krampus Christmas is a free supplement for the Santa's Soldiers RPG, so it logically follows that the presentation of the character and stats would support the Santa's Soldiers setting and system. We're sorry it didn't work for your needs, but then again, it was never intended to be a system-agnostic game aid. |
Considering I paid $30 for the PDF alone on RPG now, I'd say the price point for the print is great. The Compendium does not include the expansions from Hengeokyi Studios, which is why I'm giving it 4, not 5, starts. But the system is functional and easy: 1D6 roll under a target of attribute plus skill. For most of us, gameplay is a rarity that often takes place over google hangouts, Skype or FaceTime with old friends sperated by distance. This type of gaming necessitates a rules-lite system. And let's face it, spending and hour or more designing a character was cool at 12 years old; over 40, it's not even worth it. You'll have your characters ready in 5 minutes or less. I won't say this is the best rules-lite system out there, but it's certainly worth a look at this price.
Put simply this is a terrific game. It is set in a pulp adventure world of the 20s and 30s and promises high adventure, evil villains, derring do and probably a few cliffs to hanger. There are plenty of pulp style role playing games on the market already so what makes this terrific? 3 things.
First is the book itself. It is gorgeous. Bright and vivid just like the pulps of old (in fact it includes snippets of old pulp comics, plus a few of the Airship Daedalus web comic) with an intuitive layout. It is also nicely self-contained with plenty of material beyond the basic rules and character creation. Potential settings, missions, npcs and organizations give you great world building blocks for your campaigns. And of course there is a strong bestiary and a great equipment list that includes vehicles both practical and fantastic. (And yes I am talking about rocket packs. Rocket packs, people!) And Airship Daedalus casts a wide pulp net so the fantastic extends to psychic, magic and spiritual powers as well.
Second is the character creation. God, the character creation is so much fun. It is intuitive first of all and not beholden to classes and alignments. You can create the character you want with the skills you want and not get bogged down in whether it is appropriate for a priest to take points in Seduction. But the true strength of the character creation is in the Liabilities and Behavior Tags sections. These allow you to generate an extra pool of starting skill points (or some nifty Assets) at some cost to your character. It could be bad luck or a bad sense or a fear or a delusion or a stutter or a nervous fidget or a curse or so many more. Most of them come with penalties to various skill checks (like Ugly has a penalty to Seduction and Social rolls) so there is plenty of strategy in determining what is worth which penalty. Plus it gives you so much to role play. In one afternoon I created 2 characters. The first is a psychic detective who thinks he is the last descendant of Ghengis Khan, is afraid of spiders and sings The Heebie Jeebies when nervous. The second is a sharp shooting smuggler who is a fanatical communist with a deep intolerance for the wealthy and a run of bad luck. And you get all of that before game play even starts. Wheee!
Third is the XPG system. This skill check system is straightforward and intuitive. (I've used that word a lot with reason.) The default system is 2D6 though I prefer the D12 variant. Your Stat (like Agility or Perception) plus your skill (like Stealth or Awareness) equals your target number. Roll equal to or less than your target number and you succeed. In combat and other cases the margin of success determines the strength of the outcome. No separate rolls for damage. Snakes eyes equals awesome and doubles your success margin and boxcars equals bad and now you're in for it. I have played the XPG system as game master and as player and in both cases its simplicity is welcome as it frees up more time and energy for role playing. (Make an Awareness check. Ok I missed it by 1 but I do have a +1 for hearing so that succeeds. All right, you hear voices to the side but cannot make out the shadowy shapes. And away we go.)
Full disclosure, I am a friend of the creator and gave him feedback on some drafts. But I can honestly say I would be just as giddy over this game if I just happened upon it. (Don't believe me? Then buy the game and prove me wrong!)
Fantastic world building, fun character creation and intuitive game play make Airship Daedalus a must for RPG fans and a great starting point for the RPG curious. Do yourself a favor and check it out
Definately a fun addition to our holiday game! I loved this suppliment!
This book is a finely crafted homage to pulp adventure. The art, writing, and presentation are all designed to be as authentic as possible. If it were possible to distill listening to heroic radio serials onto paper the result would be Airship Daedalus.