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Alice & Dorothy
by Flames R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 04/08/2014 20:10:53

I’m a huge fan of The Wizard of Oz. I’m old enough to remember CBS playing it annually; therefore, I watched it annually. I’m eager to see new tales set in Oz (though I’m generally let down), so the chance to review this book promised a fresh look. The blurb on the back of this book promises an insane Alice (in Wonderland) and Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) being tracked by something fantastically evil while they search for a tornado . . . they can use to escape Earth. It was exactly the kind of American Gods read I was looking for, so the question becomes this: Did the book live up to my own hype for it?

I found that Schnarr’s writing is a relatively fresh style. He doesn’t often show his writing roots in his own words. Schnarr’s story contains an excellent mix of the surreal. There are McDonald’s Happy Meals at the Mad Hater’s (not a typo) tea party. The White Rabbit is a drug pusher.

The story contains a great deal of frank (I hesitate using the word explicit) drug use and sexuality. The first chapter alone is saturated in it (the rest of the book cools off immensely). It isn’t on the level of Luke Davies’ Candy, but it is an adult read.

The two chief characters are both well-written. Alice is a heroin user going through a psychological episode while Dorothy, a Lesbian storm-chaser, tries to convince doctors she didn’t try killing herself. I’m biased, so I thought Dorothy was the better character of the two. Alice remains too extroverted, even her manipulations are brazen. Dorothy, with her stuffed Toto (she knows it’s stuffed), has manipulations and motivations I found much more satisfying.

The book contains minor typos (“the” instead of “they”). These are few and far between and always a case of an omitted word or another similar word being used instead of a helpful wrod that spell-check would catch. They didn’t overly distract.

While I’m usually disappointed with a childhood icon being used (poorly) in modern stories, Schnarr didn’t disappoint me. This tale becomes quite the page-turner (you guys know Dinosaur-I print out all my stuff) that leaves you rooting for the good guys. If you like the bending of familiar ideas (like in the before-mentioned American Gods), you’re going to like this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alice & Dorothy
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Alice and Dorothy FREE SAMPLER
by Heather B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2014 18:36:47

I liked the sound of this from the blurb but it didn't live up to the possibilities The full book may do better at living up to the idea but the sampler did not show enough potential for me to bother with the full book. The constant refernces to sex also got up my nose, but that may just have been the mood I was in.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Alice and Dorothy FREE SAMPLER
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Timelines: Stories Inspired by HG Wells' The Time Machine
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/09/2012 00:27:07

A nice selection of time travel stories influenced by HG Wells classic. One tale even features his nameless time traveller. The stories are well written, and very enjoyable. If you're a fan of time travel fiction, I highly recommend this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Timelines: Stories Inspired by HG Wells' The Time Machine
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Green Hills
by Flames R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 11/18/2011 06:49:38

Story: A desperate pilot takes a shady job from an even shadier employer. Before long, he realizes that there’s a not-too-pleasant future in store for him. It kind of reminded me of a segment out of the original HEAVY METAL movie. A scared pilot and weird locale = an interesting mix.

Characters: Solid. The dialogue reveals a lot about the personalities of each individual, without being tiresome. Descriptions of mannerisms, etc., are vivid but minimal, allowing the story to flow naturally.

Shockers: The full reveal near the end is set up well. It took a while to build to it, and there are hints along the way. Most readers will probably have a few accurate suspicions early on (and the Faustian nature of the story is in the online description anyway) but that’s all part of the fun.

Writing Style/Readability: Controlled, but not boring or obvious. There’s grace and technical precision. You can tell from the first sentence that this is someone who enjoys and has studied the genre and has a good handle on the craft of writing.

Recommend: Yes. It’s a quick read and entertaining.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Green Hills
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