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Wrath of N'Kai (Arkham Horror)
by Nathaniel M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/25/2024 06:51:47

A fun pulp fiction book with splashes of lovecraft horror. I really liked the main character Alessandra Zorzi and she kind of carried the whole thing. She was witty, larger than life and you could tell she got her way. I was kind of hoping for more horror from this, but I had fun for the few days it took to read.

I've been playing the Arkham Horror LCG so it was fun to read about places like La Bella Luna, The O'Bannions and Harvey Walters amonst others. As simple and silly as it was, it made me enjoy the book even more. I look forward to other books in this Arkham series.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wrath of N'Kai (Arkham Horror)
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Rokugan: The Art of the Legend of the Five Rings
by Owen [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/05/2024 16:33:26

Images so pixelated that any detail is lost (you can't even read the text on maps) which you can't even copy. It's shameful to even sell as an artbook something so consciously inferior to the indiviudal artsists online (& free) portfolios. At least they're credited.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Rokugan: The Art of the Legend of the Five Rings
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Rokugan: The Art of the Legend of the Five Rings
by Kaine [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/11/2023 13:59:07

Incredibly disappointed in this as a digital product. The art chosen is nice but the image resolution doesn’t hold up, which is particularly problematic with the maps which are often unreadable. L5R’s art has always been its strong suit and that’s on display here, but the low res images make the digital version not worth a purchase. Go for the physical copy if you mean to buy it at all.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Night Parade of 100 Demons (Legend of the Five Rings)
by dragan c. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/15/2023 06:57:21

Book was ok, but not beyond that. It has nice chunks of myth and lore and depictions of life in Rokugan, the way two main character struggle with tenents of bushido was well done, but their romance felt way too forced and there are parts of the book that felt like walking in the dark. The author should have added at least a chapter's worth of text to make their attraction to each other believable. Still, I will be reading a sequel when it comes out

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Night Parade of 100 Demons (Legend of the Five Rings)
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Poison River (Legend of the Five Rings)
by Chris K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/09/2023 22:07:24

I really enjoyed this book, it is the first L5R work I've read that really made Rokugan feel like a lived in world for me. Probably a good starting point for people newer to L5R (like me).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Poison River (Legend of the Five Rings)
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The Worlds of Android
by Noah M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/18/2021 14:34:32

I really enjoyed reading this book. The art is absolutely gorgeous and I find this book an invaluable resource for my Shadows of the Beanstalk Genesys games. If I had to pick the biggest reason why I enjoy this setting over some of the other cyberpunk and sci-fi media that's avaible. It would have to be just how "good" this future is. This setting seems like a more modern take on the future technological dystopia when compared to other similar worlds. That's not to say that there aren't problems; but the approach on technology, privacy, corporate, and governemnt influence seems much more realistic. For the middle class, life is actually pretty good. Everything you could ever want is just a click away. As long as you don't care about privacy or freedom.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Worlds of Android
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Android: Monitor
by Jukka V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/18/2020 16:09:33

Book is quite mediocre at the writing level, but unfortunately that's not it's largest weakness. Books plot is fairly weak, and unbelievable. Also, end is very anticlimatic. I didn't quite get what this book tries to be, but classic tragedy comes to mind. Unfortunately the book fails as tragedy. I have now read all Android universe book, and this definitely is the weakest. It's whole mood is very diffent from other books is series. Other Android Universe books open the world for reader, but this book just seems to close it. Maybe the biggest fault in Android: Monitor is that is feels out of place when compared to other Android books.

Who might enjoy this: People who want to read one take on how media works in Android Universe.

My recommendation: Ignore this book, unless you have read everything else from Android Universe, or you are really interested about media.


  • Everything technology related. (Cameras everywhere)
  • Megacorp omnipotency is present, although only in form of NBN


  • Plot is unbelievable and disorganized (and partially hard to follow, I got a feeling that the writing was rushed, or maybe book was cut to shorter than writer intented.)
  • Technology is added fairly superficially, and not utilized in proper manner (see Exodus from same series to see better example how it should be done.)
  • Characters are unrelatable and it's hard for reader to actually care about them
  • Megacorp omnipotency is too blatant. There are no shades of grey in it, like in other android universe books.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Android: Monitor
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Legend of the Five Rings: First Scroll - Fiction from the Core Set
by james s. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/14/2020 18:53:33

i love everything FFG touches when it comes to L5R... the gameplay, art style, organization of material. Homerun. Been playing this system in campaign for 2 years now since the beginner box, and more does not come out fast enough!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legend of the Five Rings: First Scroll - Fiction from the Core Set
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Arkham Horror: Hour of the Huntress
by Paul H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/02/2017 23:29:13

I enjoyed this ebook, though it was rather too short for my taste. A lot of time was devoted to character development and backstory but the the book ended; my assumption is that there will be further adventures in future short stories but I was left a little deflated at the end as much was left unexplained and unresolved.

I felt that some of the characters were a little stereotyped; from gentile Parisian to gun toting, follower slaying machine, tom boy mechanic, other worldly academic, nice-but-dim, skeptical cop.

All if that said though, it was thouroughly enjoyable to read and I read it from virtual cover to cover in a couple of sessions over a couple of days, and was genuinely disappointed when there were no more pages to turn. More please, now the characters are established so all the more room for plot.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Arkham Horror: Hour of the Huntress
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