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Trick or Treat (audio product)


Halloween night, where horror wears a mask of whimsey. Little feet patter over cobblestones. The footsteps of gleeful children, or the fleeting passage of goblins set to perform dark deeds? An old door creaks, shutters bang in the wind, the rusty cemetery gate groans open while wind whistles through the door of a vaulted crypt. Is that sound a stray dog, or a wolf prowling the streets? What dark creatures scuttle about, making mischief on their favorite night of the year? Dark ambient music, with the sounds of mischievous goblins or imps. Appropriate for horror games or dark fantasy, and perfect for looping for trick or treaters on Halloween night!

Music and sound effects by Erika Lieberman; Illustration by Gem Hart

Sonic Legends soundscapes are a blend of music and sound effects specially designed to enhance tabletop and live-action roleplaying games. The music provides an emotive backdrop that helps your players get into the right mood, and the sound effects give you a realistic sonic environment to set your scene in. Each soundscape is approximately eight to ten minutes in length, and shifts to naturally follow a dramatic storyline. The best part is that each soundscape is seamlessly loopable, so there's no limit to how long your scene has to be! Just download your Sonic Legends soundscape to your mp3 player or laptop, turn up your speakers and GAME ON!


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Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
January 5th, 2011
What do you get when you cross haunted house music with crickets, bats, (were)wolves, gusts of wind, screeching metal, and Alvin and the Chipmunks? You get “Trick or Treat” by Erika Lieberman, and somehow, she manages to make it come out creepy ins [...]
NB N. [Featured Reviewer]
December 14th, 2010
This is a rather quiet track filled with distorted sound effects to creep you out. Most of it seems to be sounds in reverse and very distorted chipmunk-esque voices. Not that it's a bad thing. It's reminiscent of little aliens/demons running around in [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 06, 2010
This title was added to our catalog on October 06, 2010.