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Lonely Graveyard (audio product)


The ancient cemetery gate creaks, opening on it's own to a misty path that seems to lead beyond the fading night into darkness. The dry Autumn wind whistles through the door of a vaulted crypt. An owl calls in the distance, and other creatures of the night cry out in response. A constant moaning can be heard underneath the rustling leaves - an undeniable voice crying out in loneliness and dispair... Dark ambient music with sound effects. Great for looping on Halloween night for trick-or-treaters!

Sonic Legends soundscapes are a blend of music and sound effects specially designed to enhance tabletop and live-action roleplaying games. The music provides an emotive backdrop that helps your players get into the right mood, and the sound effects give you a realistic sonic environment to set your scene in. Each soundscape is approximately eight to ten minutes in length, and shifts to naturally follow a dramatic storyline. The best part is that each soundscape is seamlessly loopable, so there's no limit to how long your scene has to be! Just download your Sonic Legends soundscape to your mp3 player or laptop, turn up your speakers and GAME ON!


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Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
January 10th, 2011
This soundscape, composed by the appropriately-named Randin Graves, perfectly nails the mood suggested by the title. With long, low musical notes and spooky sound effects (wild animals and such), the soundscape creates an excellent spooky atmosphere. [...]
December 27th, 2010
Clear recording and sound effects - perfect background noise for creating a spooky atmosphere. After building a graveyard on the front lawn, we played this on a loop over the speakers on the porch this past Halloween for the neighborhood trick-or-treat [...]
NB N. [Featured Reviewer]
December 14th, 2010
Lonely Graveyard is appropriately named in this case. Very little music in this track. Atonal hums and distortion in the background. Wolves howl. Birds screech. Creatures of some sort cry out now and again. Thunder claps. Finally, the strings begin in [...]
October 7th, 2010
Dark, heavy, and rich. This is one of the best of the Sonic Legend tracks I've listened to - it's very powerful and evocative which makes it a good fit for a dark and creepy scene or setting. About my only criticism is that it's pretty sonically [...]
Ben G. [Featured Reviewer]
October 6th, 2010
One of the more sound effects heavy products I've listened to from Sonic Legend, Lonely Graveyard has serious potential as creepy background music. Set the lights a little lower as your party wanders into a strange setting, and suddenly start this off [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 06, 2010
This title was added to our catalog on October 06, 2010.