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Tending the Flame (The Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition Companion)Click to magnify
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Tending the Flame (The Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition Companion)

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The point about hope is that it is something that occurs in very dark moments. It is like a flame in the darkness; it isn’t like a confidence and a promise.

— John Berger

Keeping the Vigil is a choice. Nothing stops them from going home, locking the door, putting out the light, and pretending that all is right with the world. Billions of people do just that every day.

But the hunter lights their candle anyway. Whether out of compassion, hope, curiosity, anger, or boredom, they keep it lit. Moreover, their stubborn refusal to give the night to the darkness often serves to spread that flame to others.

Tending the Flame is a companion book to Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition, expanding on what’s in the core book.

It contains:

  • Narrative and systems support to successfully hunt at Tier One, plus tips for navigating hunter society.
  • Eight Compacts, including a mix of updated first edition favorites and exciting new groups to join.
  • Eight Conspiracies, including an expanded version of Aegis Kai Doru, as well as several new hunter organizations.
  • New Tactics and Endowments.

Also available now from Onyx Path Publishing:

Hunter: The Vigil Second EditionHunter: The Vigil Second Edition

You’ve stumbled into shadows.

You know what lurks in darkness.

There are more monsters tonight than ever before.

It’s time to fight back. 

Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition is a standalone game that can be played by new or existing players. The lore has been updated to not only reflect the uptick in monsters, but also the fact that hunting monsters is not exclusive to a location, group of people, or time period. There may be more monsters than ever before, but now there are more ways to fight them, too.

In Hunter: The Vigil, anyone can be a hunter — provided you are committed to the hunt. It is a game of personal horror and sacrifice that tests relationships and encourages teamwork within a cell, compact, or conspiracy.

Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition includes:

Hunter presents a core set of rules and three options for gameplay for new or existing players. This game includes:

  • Overview of a hunter’s world and lore, the types of hunters you can play, and three separate tiers of gameplay.
  • Six compacts and six conspiracies with Endowments for tiered play.
  • Character creation, rules to hunt, equipment, Tilts, and Conditions.
  • Monster creation and locations where to hunt the strange and unexplained.
  • The Slasher Chronicle, Storyteller advice, and more!
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James M July 12, 2023 9:20 pm UTC
It's hard to tell what's intended with Operation Nebula. Do they Harvest from just anything, and it somehow works? Or are "alien power cores" an actual thing?
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Dell K July 22, 2023 6:53 pm UTC
If I had to guess, they probably have something to do with the God-Machine.
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James M July 22, 2023 7:46 pm UTC
Since commenting, I've looked at the Onyx Path fora, and it seems the answer is "just anything." This irritates me greatly; I know I have the power to make stuff up on my own (and do!) but I'm still disappointed. I don't mind Nebula being wrong; I'd just like them to be wrong about something.
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File Last Updated:
June 29, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on July 12, 2023.