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Shadowrun: StirredClick to magnify

Shadowrun: Stirred



Jimmy Kincaid, burned-out mage, P. I., and the closest thing Puyallup’s got to a hero, has a lot on his plate these days. Simmering gang wars, feuding mobsters, missing runaways, magical power only as reliable as his stubborn sorcerous patron, and—well above his usual pay grade—an encrypted data file that's already cost him friends, but that he can’t even access. When the always-dangerous troubles of the Seattle sprawl deepen into a bloody conspiracy with ties to neighboring nations and inhuman powers, he knows he’s on the job of his life. Facing the longest of long odds, Kincaid’s all too aware that the house always wins.

Luckily, he’s not alone. A man like Jimmy can’t walk these shadowed streets without making enemies, but he’s made allies, too. With the help of his bounty-hunting best friends, an up-and-coming shadowrunner team, a former Lone Star detective who’s short in stature but big in style, and his loyal, albeit flighty ally spirit, Jimmy’s stacked the deck in his favor. Maybe he’s got a shot after all. Maybe he can make it all work. Maybe he can find the right balance, share the right truths, and make something good out of a whole lot of bad.

Of course, the problem with a house of cards is it just takes one good hit to bring it all tumbling down…

Note: This novel purchase contains two files: an ebook file compatible with most ereaders, and a .mobi file for use with the Kindle.

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Heather S January 04, 2021 7:00 am UTC
I just got this a few days ago and have already reread it. This was great, the story was nuanced, the characters had great depth, and I can't wait for the sequel. This was well written and really made you care about background characters from Shaken
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Elke B August 23, 2020 6:26 pm UTC
So, finished this in one go.

As always with Russell Zimmermann's fiction, I really love the detail of it. The Thai joint now has names and faces, which is great, as are the homeless shelters in Downtown and the way the homeless are treated there (a topic that has seen very conflicting and fragmentary coverage in other books). Further, old and new brand names, recurring brands, all very much appreciated.

Again, the heart of the novel is Jimmy Kincaid in classic hard boiled action, though with several perspectives now that broaden the view on the world Kincaid lives in considerably (especially enjoyed Pink's and Gem's parts), though I'm not entirely sure I don't like the limited character perspective better. That said, Rook's and his dad's little storyline was very amusing, and it was nice to finally see old legend Blackwing given some spotlight again.

The tie-in with Shadowrun gaming products - namely the Emerald City file - also is nice. It's always good to see synergies...See more
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File Last Updated:
August 18, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on August 20, 2020.