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(Nearly) True American Legends: Battle Mountain

(Nearly) True American Legends: Battle Mountain

A single short story from an (intended) upcoming series of short stories about totally (nearly) true tales coming from the United States and its neighbors. This is the tale of Battle Mountain, Nevada. Sure, you can see some of this information on the internet on legitimate sites, but this is information from someone who has seen it live. And their anecdote is your wisdom for the future. ...   [click here for more]
Infinity E  $1.00

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Cthulhu's Witness Pamphlet

Cthulhu's Witness Pamphlet

Do you want to spread the word of the Old Ones? Why not start with Cthulhu? This brochure is the perfect way to get the non-believers to understand that the end is coming, and it will not be pleasant. This pamphlet is an entertaining prop for your Lovecraftian adventures, specifically those relating to Cthulhu. This was originally created as a prop...   [click here for more]
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