During my third year of medical school I stumbled upon an online article about calorie restriction with optimal nutrition. I read about an apparently simple diet intervention that prolonged the average and maximum lifespan of laboratory animals such as yeast, fruit flies, worms and mice. At that time, I wasn’t aware that such experiments were already done on non-human primates too. Honestly,... [click here for more]
Aging is a puzzle to solve. This process is traditionally studied in a couple of biological models like fruit flies, worms and mice. What all these species have in common is their fast aging. This is excellent for lab budgets. It is a great short-term strategy. Who has time to study species that live for decades? But lifespan differences among species are magnitudes of order larger than any lifespan... [click here for more]
Are you at a crossroads? Do you wonder what should you do with your life? Would life be easier if you could only get some direction? Even if people don't chit-chat about legacies, these are questions arising during silent nights in the mind of almost everyone. Especially in those of us reaching certain life miles like adulthood, middle life and retirement. Have you ever noticed the process of metamorphosis... [click here for more]