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The Debt Collectors War

The Debt Collectors War

Ellie is a soldier in a world without governments. A generation ago, a series of financial crises caused most of the world’s governments to collapse, and left many of the people in those countries in terrible personal debt. Since then, the worst debtor nations have been under military occupation by the troops of the debt-recovery corporations, and the worst debtor of all is Měi-guó,...   [click here for more]
Trevelyan Cooper  $3.99

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The Prince of Fey

The Prince of Fey

SHORT STORY (9532 words) Prince Ribeag is bored. His world is cruel and violent and bloody, but that is no longer enough for him. He is the most cunning ruler the Tr’nah have had in generations, but that simply makes everything dull. If he wished, Ribeag knows he could win his people’s eternal war with the dark Tn’trith, but cannot see a reason to bother. Instead, he torments his lords, and...   [click here for more]
Trevelyan Cooper   FREE 

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SHORT STORY (9601 words) Ishta’eth, demon-slave of Eternal Imperium, has kept the empire safe for a thousand years. When an aging emperor dies without an obvious heir, an interregnum begins, and it is a terrible time of civil war and chaos. All is not lost, however. Ishta’eth is immortal, a ruthless fanatic, and has been organizing the world for longer than most peoples have a recorded history....   [click here for more]
Trevelyan Cooper   FREE 

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A Mote, Amidst a Tide of Darkness

A Mote, Amidst a Tide of Darkness

SHORT STORY (8863 words) I step from the cliff and fall and die and find myself somewhere new. Naked, cold, and alone. My gut is empty, as it always is. I have a raging thirst, and I am tired, as if desperately lacking sleep. Death for me is never death. I go somewhere else, somewhen else, to another life. I do not know why, and I do not know how, this is simply how it is. This is a short story,...   [click here for more]
Trevelyan Cooper   FREE 

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All Three Trevelyan Cooper Stories [BUNDLE]

All Three Trevelyan Cooper Stories [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. A Mote, Amidst a Tide of Darkness Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Multiple File Formats SHORT STORY (8863 words)I step from the cliff and fall and die and find myself somewhere new. Naked, cold, and alone. My gut is empty, as it always is. I have a raging thirst, and I am tired, as if...   [click here for more]
Trevelyan Cooper   FREE 

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  The Leaves of a Necronomicon