An Alloy of Steel & Officer Material!
Sergeant Theodora Fusilier, serial number 110552, is one of the hundred thousand war machines in the army of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Beyond that share her name. She was programmed to protect innocents, battle alien threats, and obey her human officers. It’s all she’s supposed to need.
But Dora’s always been a rather ambitious machine.... [click here for more]
In the dead of night, Isabelle Morganthau flees the only home she's ever known, taking her boyfriend Arren, an old rickety biplane, and a handful of gold coins. They leave behind their families, the sea, and their gods lurking in the depths, in hopes of finding somewhere safe to figure out who they really are.But life on the run is expensive. Forced to take odd jobs to keep... [click here for more]