Follow along as Max Mercer, a cunning daredevil with extraordinary luck, leads an amazing group of daring humans known only as the Æon Society. These heroes travel all over the world to investigate strange phenomena, right wrongs, and protect the innocent.Credits:
Written by Eddy Webb
Directed by Drew Profit and Austin Beach
Sound Design and Production by Austin Beach
Musical Score... [click here for more]
Follow along as Max Mercer, a cunning daredevil with extraordinary luck, leads an amazing group of daring humans known only as the Aeon Society. These heroes travel all over the world to investigate strange phenomena, right wrongs, and protect the innocent.
This week’s episode:
Deadly Eclipse! Who are the Aeon Society? What is going on with the strange eclipse? And what has Doctor Primoris... [click here for more]
Follow along as Max Mercer, a cunning daredevil with extraordinary luck, leads an amazing group of daring humans known only as the Aeon Society. These heroes travel all over the world to investigate strange phenomena, right wrongs, and protect the innocent.
This week’s episode: An Ominous Voice! Why do the Nazis have a zeppelin over New York City? What are they planning to... [click here for more]
Tales of the Aeon Society! Episode 5: A Deadly Trap! Follow along as Max Mercer, a cunning daredevil with extraordinary luck, leads an amazing group of daring humans known only as the Aeon Society. These heroes travel all over the world to investigate strange phenomena, right wrongs, and protect the innocent. This week’s episode: A Deadly Trap! Will Helen avoid being shot?... [click here for more]
Vigilant: Through Shadow and Dreams is set in the fantasy world of the Scarred Lands campaign setting, currently available in both Pathfinder and 5e OGL editions from Onyx Path Publishing.
Here is an audio reading of the Prologue of this new fantasy novel.
Read by Matthew Dawkins ... [click here for more]