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I Believe In Werewolves

I Believe In Werewolves

Teeth, fangs and claws, rent flesh, and howls in the night send fear as the creatures that were once men bring terror and death to those they encounter. Werewolves, vicious demons of the night, hunt for prey as their hell curse drives them to a destiny undreamed by them as men. Netbound Publishing is pleased to announce what will be the first in a series of horror collections that will become an integral...   [click here for more]
NetBound Publishing  $18.95 $3.99

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Journeys Into The Macabre

Journeys Into The Macabre

Vampires, zombies, ghosts, witches, voodoo, demons and more, all come to life in this collection of unforgettable horror stories by Mikel B. Classen. It includes: Senn's Vampire, Deliver Me From Evil, M'Ganga's Curse, The Late Hero, House of Seances and several more. Each story delves deeper and deeper into the forbidden and unknown, Journeys Into The Macabre that won't be forgotten. Ever wonder...   [click here for more]
NetBound Publishing  $2.99

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Uncivil Dead

Uncivil Dead

The place is Walnut Woods, Tennessee. The time is the Civil War. A garrison of Union troops is assigned to protect the town in the event of a Confederate attack. Then come the rumors of cannibals and demons lurking in the woods. It's when a scout covered in bite marks rides into the encampment that the rumors become reality. Dead men are walking and they have an insatiable appetite for the flesh of...   [click here for more]
NetBound Publishing  $3.99

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  Arthur the Soldier (The Ruin of Britain - Book One)