For more than 60 years, Captain America was one of Marvel Comics' flagship characters, representing truth, strength, liberty, and justice. The assassination of his alter ego, Steve Rogers, rocked the comic world, leaving numerous questions about his life and death.
This book discusses topics including the representation of Nazi Germany in Captain America Comics from the 1940s to the 1960s; the creation... [click here for more]
The Multifarious Walking Dead in the 21st Century
Since the early 2000s, popular culture has experienced a "Zombie Renaissance," beginning in film and expanding into books, television, video games, theatre productions, phone apps, collectibles and toys.
Zombies have become allegorical figures embodying cultural anxieties, but they also serve as models for concepts in economics, political... [click here for more]
Essays on the Novels, Children's Stories, Online Writings, Comics and Other Works
Neil Gaiman has emerged as one of the most influential literary figures of the 21st century. To borrow a phrase from his viral 2012 University of the Arts commencement speech, Gaiman "makes good art," from his graphic novels to his social media collaborations, award-winning fantasy fiction and beloved... [click here for more]