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Dredan, Realm of Metal & Myth

Dredan, Realm of Metal & Myth

DREDAN is an RPG Campaign Setting that crashes Science Fiction and Fantasy together in a concise volume for DMs and Players alike. A detailed rule set mixing ancient and futuristic play within 28 planetary systems encompassing 70+ planetary bodies. You are no longer limited to one world within a material plane. DREDAN campaign sourcebook uses a mixture of the futuristic rules from the popular Traveller...   [click here for more]
Metal & Myth, LLC  $21.95 $9.95

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Druin World Map (Dredan Cartography) DCDru 1.0

Druin World Map (Dredan Cartography) DCDru 1.0

DRUIN Tropical Pleasure Planet This is a beautifully rendered, full color descriptive planetary map of Druin. Druin is a planet referenced in the Dredan Campaign Setting. The planetary map is drawn to scale and DM's or players can use this as a reference for planetary adventures on this world. Map details: Dimensions(9.93" x 5.00") 600 DPI PDF can be zoomed up to 600% without...   [click here for more]
Metal & Myth, LLC  $1.50

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  The Sherlock Holmes Megapack: 25 Modern Tales by Masters