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The Alchemist's Agent Omnibus 1: The Gilty Party/Cursebird on a Wire

The Alchemist's Agent Omnibus 1: The Gilty Party/Cursebird on a Wire

Two Thrilling Mysteries In One Volume! Ibram Ucalegon is a private investigator in the strictest sense of the term. He only has one client: Lady Azadiya Hobon, the intelligent, poised, and beautiful alchemist who oversees the daily struggles of life in the alchemical village of Lityen, and he investigates whatever she tells him to. In a village crammed with foreign deities, potion...   [click here for more]
E.M. Burnham  $4.99

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The Gilty Party

The Gilty Party

One dead blacksmith One missing witness One agent with a very big problem When an itinerant blacksmith dies in the village of Fontis, Ibram Ucalegon is sent to report back on the unattended death. No one thinks much about it. Hard-living old men die all the time, after all, and little changes except the name in the record of testimony. But when Rustam Monbrith, the man who found...   [click here for more]
E.M. Burnham  Pay What You Want

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The Elixir of Inheritance

The Elixir of Inheritance

Sticks and stones might break bones, but poison ends any argument Ibram Ucalegon visits fabric merchant Einar Savoldyn’s manor to escape the living mountain while Lady Azadiya (the Empire of Vissilia’s worst convalescent) recovers from a spot of alchemically induced blindness. Unfortunately for the agent, the man dies moments after their meeting. Now Ibram’s got a murder to unravel,...   [click here for more]
E.M. Burnham  $4.99 $2.99

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Cursebird On A Wire

Cursebird On A Wire

The wine's gone off The ale's musty The cheese turned green on the spoon How do you solve a curse when it's no more than they deserve? Ibram Ucalegon is an arm-for-hire with a slight problem. He's committed the mortal sin of working for one noble while poking through the house of another. Worst of all, he was caught! In return for his freedom, Ibram swears to supply Lord Halfrey with...   [click here for more]
E.M. Burnham  $2.99 $0.99

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The Price of Fire

The Price of Fire

Six buildings explode. Four lives up in smoke. Fire ravages the Pillared Circle neighborhood, plundering its cookshops and evening courtyards. The village’s shock worsens upon the discovery of four bodies amidst the destruction. In the aftermath, a brave witness raises the alarm: He saw green fire climbing the wall as he ran to safety. Lady Azadiya fears an alchemist is responsible...   [click here for more]
E.M. Burnham  $4.99 $3.99

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