Flash fiction. Short-short stories with a beginning, middle, and an end.
Contained herein are a plethora of thrilling stories of adventure and intrigue, horror and danger, excitement and suspense.
Ranging from tales of superheroics to those of thrills and chills, Flash Attack is one heck of an exciting ride with surprises at every turn.
Written by cult writer A.P. Fuchs, these stories are... [click here for more]
The war between Good and Evil has raged since before Time began.
Now the battle continues with the Ultimate Good versus the Ultimate Evil.
Metahumans vs the Undead.
Metahuman: one of the human species endowed with one or more powers beyond that of mortal men; a person who uses those abilities to serve either themselves or society. Typically branded by a codename and colorful costume. AKA Superhero.... [click here for more]