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Dragonfly: A Short Story

Dragonfly: A Short Story

I descended, picking my way through the detritus of cogs and springs, bolts and tiny wings, the leftovers from a lifetime of hard work. Each step was a tinkle-crunch, gears smaller than the nails of my fingers grinding beneath my feet. It made for slow progress, this ground. The rubble was sharp, and I did not want to cut myself on the rusted angles. He met me at the door, swinging it...   [click here for more]
Loot The Room  Pay What You Want

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Yasmine: A Short Story

Yasmine: A Short Story

The city lies sleeping. I can see it out my window, lights like diamonds spread randomly on black velvet. I don’t know what woke me, but as always, my first thought was about what happened that night. I swore I would take it to my grave, but it eats away at me. Haunts me, I suppose. It seems Atticus was right. Something like that never leaves you. It might fade sometimes, the way...   [click here for more]
Loot The Room  $1.00

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