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Rose of the Prophet Trilogy

Rose of the Prophet Trilogy

Originally published almost twenty years ago, the Rose of the Prophet Trilogy has been collected and restored with a new introduction by the authors! The world of Sularin is ruled by twenty gods, different in aspect but equal in power. But a war rages in the heavens, one that will affect the gods, the mortals, the immortal beings who serve them both. It is a tale of romance and magic,...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $4.99

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Sete-Ka's Dream Quest

Sete-Ka's Dream Quest

The gods of upper and lower Egypt are stern judges over those who rule their people. Young prince Sete-Ka is struck with the dream sickness. The gods transport his spirit into the dream lands on the other side of dawn. Here he will be tested for courage, honor, and the wisdom to rule the people of Egypt. If you make the right choices, the Prince wakes in the real world. If you prove greedy, fearful,...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $2.99

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Ghost Legion - Star of the Guardians Vol. 4

Ghost Legion - Star of the Guardians Vol. 4

Young Dion Starfire is the ruler of a galaxy that is finally at peace after years of strife and bloodshed. Yet the peace is an uneasy one. Dion has fallen desperately in love with a woman who is not his queen, and suddenly the fragile alliances that rest of his marriage are threatened. Then real violence erupts as an illegitimate son of the dead king, in hiding on a forgotten planet, plots Dion's...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $4.99

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Hung Out - Mag Force 7 Vol. 3

Hung Out - Mag Force 7 Vol. 3

Intergalactic mercenaries led by Xris Cyborg accept a mission to lead a revolution on a planet of pacifists only to find themselves deprived of their leader and thrown into the midst of a power struggle between high-level officials of the Galactic Empire and the criminal underworld of the Hung Syndicate. Set in the same universe as Margaret Weis' "Star of the Guardians" series, this is...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $4.99

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King's Sacrifice - Star of the Guardians Vol. 3

King's Sacrifice - Star of the Guardians Vol. 3

At the end of King's Test, Sagan—the man who overthrew Dion's father—pledged his allegiance to Dion as the new king. Now, Dion battles alien and human enemies, and must give up both his lover and one of his men as he learns what it truly means to be king. Third volume in the STAR OF THE GUARDIANS series by New York Times bestselling author Margaret Weis! ...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $4.99

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King's Test - Star of the Guardians Vol. 2

King's Test - Star of the Guardians Vol. 2

By calling a temporary truce, Derek Sagan and the rebels thwarted the alien Corasian invasion. Enemies once again, the rebels have resumed their defiance and Sagan has retumed to his campaign to topple the corrupt galactic government. He plans to set up Dion as king of the Starfire dynasty—and to place himself as the ruling power behind the throne. On a remote planetary sinkhole of sin and...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $4.99

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Knights of the Black Earth - Mag Force 7 Vol. 1

Knights of the Black Earth - Mag Force 7 Vol. 1

The cyborg warrior Xris and his team of professional mercenaries seek out an elusive target whose past betrayals warrant speedy execution. Their plans change abruptly, however, when they uncover a plot to destroy the galaxy's young king, the last living bearer of the Blood Royal… Set in the same universe as Margaret Weis' "Star of the Guardians" series, this is a fast-paced galactic...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $3.74

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Michael Williams Arcady [BUNDLE]

Michael Williams Arcady [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Allamanda (Hawken Family Book 2) Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: Multiple File Formats Pursued by a power more terrifying than any magic they can summon, Garrick Hawken and his family flee to sombre Allamanda to find a way to recapture their beseiged home, Arcady. Their vast estates and...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $5.98 $1.99

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Robot Blues - Mag Force 7 Vol. 2

Robot Blues - Mag Force 7 Vol. 2

In this follow-up to Knights of the Black Earth, Xris Cyborg and his Mag Force 7 team are hired to steal an antique robot from a crash site for a museum curator. What seems like an easy job turns into an obstacle course with the intervention of a beautiful army officer who may be a double agent, the threat of flesh-eating Corasian aliens, and the robot's own deadly programming. Set in the...   [click here for more]
Margaret Weis Productions  $4.99

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  Arthur the Soldier (The Ruin of Britain - Book One)