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A Road Paved In Iron

A Road Paved In Iron

"While telling a good yarn about spirits and six-guns, the series manages to explore race during the Civil War." Summer 1861 New orleans is on the brink of occupation by the army of the Union. A Black Union soldier braves Confederate lynching and Union court martial to find his mother. The Lwa have other plans for him; plans bathed in blood and wrought in violence. ...   [click here for more]
The Reality Vault  $9.00 $5.00

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Picking Up the Ghost

Picking Up the Ghost

Living in St. Jude, a 110-year-old dying city on the edge of the Mississippi, is tough. But when a letter informs fourteen-year-old Cinque Williams of the passing of the father he never met, he is faced with an incomplete past and an uncertain future. A curse meant for his father condemns Cinque to a slow death even as it opens his eyes to the strange otherworld around him. With help from the ghost...   [click here for more]
Tone Milazzo  Pay What You Want

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Moses: The Chronicles of Harriet Tubman: Book 1

Moses: The Chronicles of Harriet Tubman: Book 1

“I’m gon’ drive the evil out and send it back to Hell, where it belong!”– Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman is Gifted with powers beyond this world. She is a freedom fighter, psychic, a spy... and so much more. Now Harriet, the soilder, must match wits with John Wilkes Booth and his nightmarish team of hunters – to save those entrusted to her care. But is anyone who...   [click here for more]
Mocha Memoirs Press, LLC  $3.99

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Make Jerky & Sausage at Home

Make Jerky & Sausage at Home

There are three problems with supermarket sausages, hot dogs and jerky. 1, They contain preservatives and carcinogens. 2. They are way too expensive. 3. They are not spiced exactly the way you would most enjoy them. Stop paying high prices for the supermarket brand jerky, hot dogs and sausages. It is easier than you think to turn out a far superior product in bulk, for far less money....   [click here for more]
RobStetson  $3.99

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Squad 77 Issue 3

Squad 77 Issue 3

Our story concludes with Josh facing a difficult decision. ...   [click here for more]
Zephaniah Comics  $0.99

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  Daughter of Fate