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When hope turns to ash, do you submit or endure? Shackled by Haakin’s compulsion, Tori hunts her prey. But Alexander Durand plays a frustrating game, baiting with trinkets that blight her pursuit. If Alexander is to survive, he must stay ahead of Victoria long enough to unhook her from Haakin’s control. Witches, vampires, and wolves scramble to assist, but time is running out, and with...   [click here for more]
Julie Embleton  $3.50

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The Arkadak Papers

The Arkadak Papers

What causes these periodic eruptions of interest in unknown places and unknown events? What small spark ignites our curiosity about places half way around the world with names we find hard to pronounce and lifestyles we can only imagine? Yet it happens all the time in different places around the world. Not knowing where to go without knowing where you've been is likely at the heart...   [click here for more]
Victor Epp Productions  $3.98

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Bigfoot Terror Tales Vol. 1: Scary Stories of Sasquatch Horror

Bigfoot Terror Tales Vol. 1: Scary Stories of Sasquatch Horror

He is Mysterious. He is Legend. He is Bigfoot. Enter the world of the Sasquatch through fourteen stories of Bigfoot Terror by writers with a deep love for this legendary creature that has captured the imagination of millions around the world, has inspired thousands of expeditions, and has been the substance of campfire stories for generations. From small towns with a big problem, to a filmmaker aiming...   [click here for more]
Coscom Entertainment  $4.99

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Benny the Antichrist, and other stories

Benny the Antichrist, and other stories

The first ever collection of stories and vignettes from noted science fiction and fantasy storyteller Scott Ellis, including... Benny the Antichrist, He's the arch-arch-villain, the most made guy in this universe or any other. And he's looking to make a career change... The Reason of Sleep, How do you make your way in a world...   [click here for more]
Fossil Cove Publishing  $3.99

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Bigfoot Terror Tales Vol. 2: More Scary Stories of Sasquatch Horror

Bigfoot Terror Tales Vol. 2: More Scary Stories of Sasquatch Horror

The Big Hairy Beast is Back! 16 authors bring you 16 terrifying tales of the Sasquatch and bring new meaning and fright to this mysterious hairy giant that lurks in the woods. From Bigfoot battles to trying to outrun the muscular monster, to being caught by the creature and simply living in a world where these beasts exist, this second volume of Bigfoot Terror Tales is sure to fuel your imagination...   [click here for more]
Coscom Entertainment  $4.99

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Red Anvil Productions Podcast Archive - I, Fenris

Red Anvil Productions Podcast Archive - I, Fenris (audio product)

Poem from the Wolf's perspective. ...   [click here for more]
Red Anvil Productions  $1.00

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Rien's Rebellion:Kingdom

Rien's Rebellion:Kingdom

Once upon a time, a nation’s fate depended on an informant. Once upon a time, a woman knew the law and a man knew war. Once upon a time, they all lived under a good Monarch’s leadership. Until he was assassinated. Galantier’s politics can be vicious, corrupt, and unfair, but not deadly. They’ve got a war they can’t win and dare not lose on their border....   [click here for more]
CZEdwards  Pay What You Want

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The Freak

The Freak (audio product)

The Freak: A Story of St. George Written by Erik Ehn Adapted and Recorded by David Hinde Chapman Featuring Jenn Schorr, Jeremy Robinson, Amanda Chapman Script first published in The Saint Plays ...   [click here for more]
David Chapman  Pay What You Want

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Truthseeker - Parables, Myths & Legends From The Tales Of Silverfox

Truthseeker - Parables, Myths & Legends From The Tales Of Silverfox

Some of the stories contained in this collection have their origins in oral folklore, ancient myths and legends of the various nations who first populated North America. There is a long list of people who have heard and collected and recorded these stories, all the way from Lewis and Clark, to David Thompson to Ella Elizabeth Clark, and many in between whose diligent and dedicated work has served...   [click here for more]
Victor Epp Productions  $3.98

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  Daughter of Fate