Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) is best known for his Tarzan and John Carter of Mars books, but he also wrote four thrilling western novels. We are delighted to include them all in this volume.
As always with novels from this time period, not everything is "politically correct" by modern standards. Please keep the age of the work in perspective as you read.
Included are:
THE BANDIT... [click here for more]
Once upon a time, Richard Blakemore led a double life. Hardworking pulp writer by day and the masked vigilante only known as the Silencer by night. But those days are over, for Richard Blakemore, in the guise of the Silencer, was found guilty of murdering mafia boss Antonio Tortelli and sentenced to death. But now, with Richard Blakemore on death row in Sing Sing and the date of the execution drawing... [click here for more]