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A Change of Tactics: A Sime~Gen Novel (Clear Spring Chronicles #1)

A Change of Tactics: A Sime~Gen Novel (Clear Spring Chronicles #1)

Den Milnan, a Tecton Donor, accompanies his cousin, channel Rital Madz, to an experimental Sime Center in the town of Clear Springs, deep in hostile Gen Territory. Rital plans to offer selyn technology to the Gens in trade for selyn, the energy that only Gens can produce. Selyn is the fuel that could power a new revival of civilization, as fossil fuels did for humanity of the 19th and 20th centuries....   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $4.99

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A Rising Fall (CITY b00k 001)

A Rising Fall (CITY b00k 001)

A Rising Fall is the first book in a dystopian trilogy entitled City:aliteraryconcerto. The story starts ten years after the blackout as a group of humans struggling to fight off a conscious famine, try to re-learn empathy to save humanity in an old industrial assembly plant. In 3 days; feigned affection, deception and a black heart will take them further into the repression of their own fears in search...   [click here for more]
CSM Publishing   FREE 

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A Theory of Haunting

A Theory of Haunting

Kyle Murchison Booth, archivist at the Parrington Museum, has heard of Thirdhop Scarp. Everyone has. The house has been notorious ever since the night that homeowner J.A. Cathcart murdered his entire family, and was found cupping the heart of his eldest daughter in his hands as tenderly as he would a wounded bird. It is not the first time the house has experienced unsettling events. And it will not...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $4.99

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ABC Warriors: The Medusa War

ABC Warriors: The Medusa War

ATOMIC - BACTERIAL - CHEMICAL The ABC Warriors - hard-bitten robotic soldiers designed to fight in the worst Atomic, Bacterial and Chemical theatres of war. They are the hard-drinking liberators of Mars and a deadly fighting force that has slipped into legend. On the dead plains of Mars, human terraformers awake an ancient lifeforce known as Medusa that is determined to stop the planet becoming an...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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Across the Karman Line

Across the Karman Line

In space, fate rests in the hands who created the craft. Wits and creative risk separate life from death while navigating the three-dimensional sea or marooned on an alien planet. The trust between captain and crew unifies a mission. And sometimes, the final take-off is the hardest. ...   [click here for more]
Laurel Highlands Publishing  $4.99

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Armageddon 2089: Standing Alone

Armageddon 2089: Standing Alone

The Assassin lurched and staggered, vanishing from view in a fountain of mud, water and splintering metal. It emerged after a second, one arm hanging limply and its torso armour pitted and dented. Halsey dropped the cannon on target and let fly on maximum rapid fire, shells slamming from the massive bore and tearing into the Assassin's chest cavity. The WarMek stumbled, then toppled forwards into...   [click here for more]
Antimony Sun  $5.99

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Armageddon 2089: Standing Together

Armageddon 2089: Standing Together

In 2087, the weapon of choice is the warmek, a towering humanoid monster capable of taking the firepower of a tank unit any place an infantryman can go. On the battlefields of Britain, occupying EuroForce meks clash with giant machines piloted by British secessionists. The Charlemagne sidestepped and rushed forward, spike held high and aimed down. Rather than flinch back in the face of the fearsome...   [click here for more]
Antimony Sun  $5.99

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BattleCorps: Fiction: Red Khopesh

BattleCorps: Fiction: Red Khopesh

Life in the sparsely populated periphery is rustic—and dangerous.  Small settlements means small defense forces.  No wonder the outer worlds often fall prey to piracy. So when Mark Castor shows up on the World of Randis with relief aid in tow and an assault ’Mech to protect it, the locals are overjoyed to see him.  But Castor isn’t at all what he appears to be—and before he’s done he’s...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $2.99

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BattleTech Legends: A Rending of Falcons

BattleTech Legends: A Rending of Falcons

A DARK WARRIOR RISES… Jade Falcon Galaxy Commander Malvina Hazen and her warriors are in their Occupation Zone, overseeing the consolidation of power on the worlds they've wrested from the collapsing Republic of the Sphere. When a ship appears at Skye's jump point and its commander declares a Trial of Possession for the Mongol Doctrine, the warfare strategy he claims Malvina stole...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $4.99

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BattleTech Legends: Hearts of Chaos

BattleTech Legends: Hearts of Chaos

The enigmatic Draconis Combine industrialist "Uncle Chandy" Kurita owns property on planet Towne. Upon hearing news of the secret Black Dragon Society's plans to invade, Uncle Chandy dispatches Cassie Suthorn and Camacho's Caballeros to protect his holdings there and organize the local militia to defend against the anticipated attack. To the Caballeros' surprise, Towne has become a faction-ridden...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $4.99

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BattleTech: A Bonfire of Worlds

BattleTech: A Bonfire of Worlds

A GALAXY AFLAME... The universe has gone dark. Interstellar communications has been lost across the Inner Sphere, threatening the corporate giant ComStar—and maybe civilization itself. Risking everything on a last chance for survival, Comstar has kidnapped the engineering genius Tucker Harwell, hoping he can unravel the mystery of the blackout. But Tucker isn’t just working on...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $4.99

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BattleTech: Fire for Effect: BattleCorps Anthology Volume 4

BattleTech: Fire for Effect: BattleCorps Anthology Volume 4

LOYALTY. VALOR. DESPAIR. JIHAD. A massive invasion fleet is destroyed almost to a man. Legions of soldiers, confident of victory, are cut down before they even reach the ground. Those that do make landfall are bombarded and shattered and rained with nuclear fire. Elsewhere, veterans long retired from combat are called back to duty by desperate times. Explorers comb unknown worlds...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $3.49

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BattleTech: Ghost Bear's Lament (Part Two)

BattleTech: Ghost Bear's Lament (Part Two)

A ruthless predator is stalking Star Colonel Richard Bekker of Clan Ghost Bear—time.  Once he was a rising star, the hero of the Damian disaster.  But all that ended on the world of Tukayyid where Bekker’s bright future—and the entire Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere—were stopped cold. Two decades later, Bekker is a warrior with an undistinguished history that hides a shameful secret. ...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $2.99

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Blighters (Invaders From Beyond!)

Blighters (Invaders From Beyond!)

Them Blighters are everywhere. They fell out of the sky last year, great horrible armour-plated slugs with razor-sharp fangs. But ugly as they are, they give the ultimate high to anyone nearby: a blissful, gleeful contentment that people are willing to kill for. Not Becky Stone, though. All she wants is to drink beer, listen to her dad’s old vinyl, and get her life back to how it was before...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $3.49

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Century Run

Century Run

Losing his family to an alien invasion was the single most horrific thing in young Lex’s life. Joining Omni Corps, an elite fighting force with technology that allows the soldiers to live indefinitely, gives Lex and his team the chance to kill the beasts that destroyed old Earth. But as hundreds of years pass, Lex questions the validity of their missions and begins to long for a normal life....   [click here for more]
BURST  $2.99

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Dalston Junction

Dalston Junction

Unwed motherhood in Victorian England spells the end--your chances of marrying, chances even of working, disappear. Unless you can somehow "disappear" the evidence... That's where "baby farmers" Amelia and Margaret come in. They'll care for your unwanted infant--for a fee. But what are they really doing with the babies? When the police find dozens of tickets for pawned baby clothes...   [click here for more]
Sans Culotte Press  $1.49 $0.99

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Dreams of Inan: The Worm That Wasn't

Dreams of Inan: The Worm That Wasn't

On Inan, a strange new power stirs... Leah is a simple gardener, tending the psychic plants that can create chemical and psychological weapons of immense magical power. But she dreams of so much more, hoping for a better life within the walls of the Castle. Her calm ordered existence is tainted by sickness and plague, a contagion that picks its victims, possessing something very like intelligence....   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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Gerun, the Heretic

Gerun, the Heretic

Who is Jon Missionary, the half-wit, and why are he and his book so dangerous? On the planet Kanran-9, the religious establishment is threatened by anyone questioning the status quo. And the Emperor's beautiful daughter, Melina-Lu, doesn't help matters any when she falls in love with the heretic Missionary. Years later, the Religio-College has returned to power, and with a weaker Emperor sitting...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $3.99

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Heaven is Full of Arseholes

Heaven is Full of Arseholes

An unconventional take on unconditional love. a short story by cseanmcgee ...   [click here for more]
CSM Publishing   FREE 

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Humanity Prime

Humanity Prime

"When man's emerging star-empire met that of the savage Cromanths, the alien hordes began a war of extinction against humankind. So overwhelming was their power that Earth's outposts and finally the Earth itself were utterly destroyed. But one starship managed to escape, carrying colonists toward some distant habitable planet, if such a place existed, and if the Cromanths didn't find them first. The...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $3.99

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I Am The Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future

I Am The Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future

An in-depth examination of the ways in which the comic strip Judge Dredd, published in 2000 AD, has predicted the changing face of policing in Britain over the last 45 years. He is the law - and you better believe it! Judge, jury and executioner, Judge Dredd is the brutal comic book cop policing the chaotic future urban jungle of Mega-City One, created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $6.99

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Idol Pursuits - A Mutants & Masterminds Novella

Idol Pursuits - A Mutants & Masterminds Novella

Alejandra Silvera thought her life was over after an IED in Iraq took her leg, thought so again when an accident at work covered her in a toxic spray of chemicals. But now she is invincible, which is good, because she just stole - er, liberated - a strange idol in a vigilante job gone wrong, and now all sorts of trouble is landing on her doorstep. Includes PDF and EPUB formats. About Michael...   [click here for more]
Green Ronin Publishing  $4.95

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Invaders From Beyond

Invaders From Beyond

WE ARE NOT ALONE... MORE’S THE PITY. Three poignant, sometimes blackly comic accounts, where unlikely heroes – kids, screw-ups, survivors – stumble their way through protecting Earth from faintly baffling alien invasions. It’s one of the oldest devices in science fiction, from Wells’ The War of the Worlds to Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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Judge Dredd: Dread Dominion

Judge Dredd: Dread Dominion

Joe and Rico Dredd: clone brothers who chose to live on different sides of the law. Thirty-seven years ago, Dredd arrested his twin in Cafe Cesare and condemned him to life as a cyborg on the prison-moon Titan. Now the Cafe seems to be at the heart of a wave of hallucinations sweeping Mega-City One. Even the Judges are affected. Their behaviour is increasingly erratic. It's almost as if they become...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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Judge Dredd: Dreddlocked

Judge Dredd: Dreddlocked

Mister Cairo, private eye and wild psi-talent, has been hired to find a missing alien call-girl. The only clue ger abductors have left is an Inverted Tarot card: The World, turned upside down. But, following her trail into the dark Undercity, confronting Under Judges and ancient stars of the silver screen, Cairo realises that far more than one girl's life is at stake. He begins to uncover a plot that...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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Judges: Psyche

Judges: Psyche

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2044 A.D. 2044: Phoebe Wise has always known she was different; she joined the Judge programme to get away from all that. But the Department has other ideas. Radical, outrageous ideas. 2141: Pam Reed is the best pre-cog Psi-Div has, rushed to a crumbling block in one of the oldest sectors of the Meg to dig through files thought long-lost. And something has reached across...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $3.99

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Judges: Volume Two

Judges: Volume Two

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2041 A.D. Eustace Fargo’s new justice system has been in effect for eight years. The old days of waiting times and backlogs are over: judgement is quick, and sentencing is instantaneous. The old police academies have all shut down, and the new order is triumphant. But are things any better? Unrest is worse than ever. Criminals are more likely to kill rather than be caught....   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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Judges: What Measure Ye Mete

Judges: What Measure Ye Mete

United States of America, 2053 A.D. There’s not a lot left for the last few cops of what was once New York City to do, these days. Officer Cera Cortez once dreamed of chasing down killers, but now she mostly just puts a friendly face on the implacable justice of the Judges. Until a tiny robot falls onto her face screaming murder, giving her one last chance to do her job—and signs point to the...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $3.99

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Pax Britannia: The Ultimate Secret

Pax Britannia: The Ultimate Secret

The Ultimate Reich. The great enemy of Magna Britannia, the unwavering stronghold whose power extends from the depths of Africa to the outlands of Mexico, and even across the barrier of time itself. For more than half a century, the Führer’s empire has plagued the world, but thanks to the efforts of a brave handful, the Reich’s most terrible secret may be on the verge of exposure....   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $3.49

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Rillas and Other Science Fiction Stories

Rillas and Other Science Fiction Stories

NO ONE writes science fiction, fantasy, or horror like A. R. Morlan. Her unique characters--her unusual perspective--her enormous imagination--all of these traits combine to produce absolutely "different" views of the past, present, and future. The eight novellas and short stories in this new collection highlight some of the best of her recent explorations of the near-future: "The Best Years of Our...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $2.99

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Schemers Betrayal Knows No Boundaries A cruel lover who refashions her prey. A bioengineered warrior on the run. An internet mapping service with a stalker’s eye. A carjacker with a conscience. A Victorian thespian turned super-criminal. A murderer of video game characters. All these and more meet in the poison-soaked pages of Schemers, a genre-spanning short fiction exploration of grand schemes, Machiavellian...   [click here for more]
Pelgrane Press  $6.40

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Spirit of the Century Presents: Stone's Throe

Spirit of the Century Presents: Stone's Throe

JUSTICE WILL BE DONE! Some girls languish under the weight of a broken heart, but not Amelia Stone. After a youthful encounter with the villain known as le Monstre aux Yeux Verts,Amelia is left with regrets—and a stalwart determination to right the wrongs of the world. Years later, when world-renowned performer Josephine Baker becomes the target of a nefarious plot,...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $6.00

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Steampunk Soldiers

Steampunk Soldiers

Between 1887 and 1895, the British art student Miles Vandercroft travelled around the world, sketching and painting the soldiers of the countries through which he passed. In this age of dramatic technological advancement, Vandercroft was fascinated by how the rise of steam technology at the start of the American Civil War had transformed warfare and the role of the fighting man. This volume collects...   [click here for more]
Osprey Publishing  $13.95

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Tales from the Ninth World

Tales from the Ninth World

THERE HAVE BEEN EIGHT PREVIOUS WORLDS. Each world stretched across vast millennia of time. Each played host to a race whose civilizations rose to supremacy but eventually died or scattered, disappeared or transcended. During the time that each world flourished, those that ruled it spoke to the stars, reengineered their physical bodies, and mastered form and essence, all in their own...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $2.99

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The 31st Golden Age of Science Fiction Megapack: Sam Merwin, Jr.

The 31st Golden Age of Science Fiction Megapack: Sam Merwin, Jr.

Sam Merwin, Jr. (1910-1996) is one of those great "lost" authors. Equally adept and mystery and science fiction, he produced a significant body of work in both fields. In fact, this volume adds as a bonus two of his classic mystery stories, in addition to a selection of 7 science fiction stories. Included are: JUDAS RAM THE AMBASSADOR THE FINAL FIGURE REEL LIFE FILMS A WORLD APART IT'S...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The A.R. Morlan Megapack: 23 Tales of the Fantastic

The A.R. Morlan Megapack: 23 Tales of the Fantastic

A.R. Morlan's work is quirky, often hard to categorize, and non-stop inventive and imaginative. She has gathered a cult following for her science fiction, fantasy, horror, suspense, and erotic fiction of the last four decades. (And sometimes she writes in all those genres at once...) This volume, a "best of" selected from her short fiction by Mary Wickizer Burgess, presents 22 mind-bending...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The Baba Yaga

The Baba Yaga

The growing threat of the dimension-invading Weird has driven the Expansion government to outright paranoia. Mandatory telepathic testing is introduced, and the colony Braun’s World – following reports of a new Weird portal opening – is destroyed from orbit, at an unimaginable cost in lives. Delia Walker, a senior analyst in the Expansion’s intelligence bureau and a holdout...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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The Eighth Science Fiction Megapack: 25 Modern and Classic Stories

The Eighth Science Fiction Megapack: 25 Modern and Classic Stories

"The Eighth Science Fiction Megapack" presents another stellar lineup of classic science fiction, new and old. Here are 25 stories (plus a bonus interview with best-selling author George R.R. Martin) by some of the field's greatest authors. Included are: THE TRUE DARKNESS, by Pamela Sargent PERMANENT FATAL ERRORS, by Jay Lake ADJUSTMENT TEAM, by Philip K. Dick ROBOTS DON'T CRY, by Mike Resnick...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The First Golden Age of Science Fiction Megapack: Winston K.  Marks

The First Golden Age of Science Fiction Megapack: Winston K. Marks

The "Golden Age of Science Fiction" Megapacks are designed to introduce readers to classic science fiction writers of the 1940s-1960s who might otherwise be forgotten. Winston K. Marks (1915-1979) is one such unjustly forgotten author. Included here are 12 science fiction stories, published between 1953 and 1959, representing some of his best work: THE WATER EATER (1953) UNBEGOTTEN CHILD...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The First William P. McGivern Science Fiction Megapack: 25 Classic Stories

The First William P. McGivern Science Fiction Megapack: 25 Classic Stories

William P. McGivern, a popular and prolific science fiction writer in the 1940s and 1950s (under his own name as well as the pseudonyms Gerald Vance and P.F. Costello), later achieved fame as a noir and hardboiled mystery author of such classics as "The Big Heat." The First William P. McGivern Science Fiction Megapack collects 25 of his early science fiction stories, including: JOHN BROWN'S...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The Hemingway Kittens and Other Feline Fancies and Fantasies

The Hemingway Kittens and Other Feline Fancies and Fantasies

Here are eight wonderful stories and two evocative poems for cat-people of all ages, including "The Hemingway Kittens," "Cat in the Box," "...And Mongo Was His Name-O," "The Cat Tracker Lady of Asad Alley," "The Cat with the Tulip Face," "A Little Pinch Is All You Need," "Hunger," "White Comma," "No Heaven Will Not Ever Heaven Be...," and "Universes." As Robert Reginald says in his Introduction: "This...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $2.99

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The Miss Pickerell Megapack: 4 Classic Adventures

The Miss Pickerell Megapack: 4 Classic Adventures

The Miss Pickerell Megapack collects all 4 volumes of the classic young adult science fiction series by Ellen MacGregor (later volumes were penned a decade later by another author). Eccentric Miss Pickerell's adventures took her all over the world -- and sometimes beyond! Included in this volume are: #1. Miss Pickerell Goes to Mars #2. Miss Pickerell and the Geiger Counter #3. Miss Pickerell...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The Power of Media

The Power of Media

1968, a time of change: the Black Panthers, the Stonewall riots, student protests, women’s liberation. Newly famous, Sherlock Holmes – the detective over the bakery on Avenue B – is much in demand. Amid the steady stream of cases, Holmes becomes caught up in a string of seemingly innocuous stories. His landlady, the hardworking baker Mrs. Hendrix, is worried that her nephew has...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $3.49

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The Reality Wars

The Reality Wars

"Cassie Hayes is the idol of the universe. For a thousand years, she's been triumphant in the Reality Wars, a deadly series of real and virtual games played every 100 years and broadcast throughout the galaxies. But Cassie, a sentient software program, is tormented by the death of her virtual mother after her human father abandoned them 2000 years earlier. Now he's back... just in time to abandon her...   [click here for more]
Double Dragon Publishing  $14.99 $5.99

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The Second Shooter

The Second Shooter

“There was video of the second shooter. There was video.” In the first reports of every mass shooting, there’s always mention of a second shooter—two sets of gunshots, a figure seen fleeing the scene—and they always seem to evaporate as events are pieced together. Commissioned by a fringe publisher to investigate the phenomenon, journalist Mike Karras finds himself tailed by drones,...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $6.99

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The Star of the Sea

The Star of the Sea

“My name is Cassandra. My mother was the Walker.” The peace and stability of Stella Maris have been lost, perhaps forever. Weeks after Delia Walker found the remote world, trailing murderers and soldiers in her wake, more ships are coming. And now the impossible: a young woman claiming to be Walker’s daughter has come out of the Weird portal, demanding passage off the planet. For...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $5.99

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The Stars Like Candles Proudly Shown

The Stars Like Candles Proudly Shown

This book is a collection of Science Fiction adventures that have previously appeared in Raygun Revival and Spacewestern Magazines. The first is about a miner on a desert planet who risks his life to rescue a woman that he really wishes he hadn't. In the second, romance is in the air when antagonistic races join in a mission to save a peaceful planetary population from immanent destruction. In the...   [click here for more]
Double Dragon Publishing  $14.99 $5.99

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The Talbot Mundy Megapack: 28 Classic Novels and Short Stories

The Talbot Mundy Megapack: 28 Classic Novels and Short Stories

The Talbot Mundy Megapack assembles 28 novels and short stories by the classic author of "King—Of the Khyber Rifles," including 12 entries in the Jimgrim series. Great adventure reading! Included are: JIMGRIM AND ALLAH'S PEACE THE "IBLIS" AT LUD JIMGRIM AND THE SEVENTEEN THIEVES OF EL KALIL THE LION OF PETRA THE WOMAN AYISHA JIMGRIM AND THE LOST TROOPER JIMGRIM AND THE...   [click here for more]
Wildside Press  $0.99

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The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife

A cautionary tale of love, mathematics and the innocuous. ...   [click here for more]
CSM Publishing   FREE 

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The Void Ascendant (Beneath the Rising 3)

The Void Ascendant (Beneath the Rising 3)

SURVIVAL HAS CONSEQUENCES Seven years ago, the last survivor of Earth crashed through uncountable dimensions to a strange new world. Nick Prasad found shelter, and a living, as a prophet for the ruling family—servants of the Ancient Ones who destroyed his home. Now, he’s been offered a chance to rid the multiverse of the Ancient Ones, past and present and forever, although he’ll have to betray...   [click here for more]
Rebellion  $6.99

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  The Sherlock Holmes Megapack: 25 Modern Tales by Masters