Sampler: "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" (4:55) Yes! NEARLY FIVE MINUTES FREE! The reason it's so long for a freebie is so you can get the feel of the ENTIRE 45+ minutes of the full song set. Ambient menace, fear and longing, action, rage, menace in a cinematic score, with this sampler giving you excerpts in order from all the individual songs. You could buy individual tracks,... [click here for more]
FREE! Sampler: Dreams and Priests--Vol. 1 of The Dream-Quest of Unknown KadathInspired by H.P. Lovecraft's story, cinematic fantasy underscores with an underlying uneasiness. True horrors lie in the future, but for now there are wonders of ethereal beauty and strangeness.
The full bundle has 6 tracks for over 30 minutes... [click here for more]