The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them.
Despite humanity’s vast ignorance, the horrors are there. Angels demons, gods and Hellspawn make war in the shadows. Clergy and Slayers rise from the human flock to protect their brethren... [click here for more]
In my collection The New Death and others, I published several poems which were based on public domain fantasy stories.
I thought some people might be interested in reading the original stories. This free ebook brings them together in a single document. ... [click here for more]
Meet the woman who works with the U.S. Army by day and strikes out at night on her own as the vigilante SOUVERAIN! In this short story, Souverain is based in Baghdad in 2009, dealing with a young Iraqi teen with a serious case of hero worship - and a new wave of suicide bombers! This prose short story originally appeared in "Souverain" #1 from Earthbound... [click here for more]
Världen har fallit. Namn och dåd återberättas bara av de dåraktiga och de fåfänga. De stora civilisationerna är döda eller borta och de få imperium som fortfarande finns kvar har degenererat till att vara ofattbart grymma och psykotiskt sadistiska förgyllda slakthus på väg mot kollaps där slaveri och människooffer händer... [click here for more]
Please enjoy this FREE to print coloring page. Of course, if you do wish to give me money, you are more than welcome to. If you wish, you may post your finished coloring project to the Meadowshire Studio Facebook group. I would enjoy seeing your fun! ... [click here for more]
Want to know what's in the Meadowshire Fairies Coloring Book? Try our FREE sampler containing 4 fun images that you will find in the coloring book!
Yes... I said FREE!
...Unless you want to give us money.
We won't stop you.
Really. ... [click here for more]
The next FREE coloring page from E. K. Lindgren at Meadowshire Studio is HERE! Have fun coloring this little one as she crouches behind her mushroom ready to zoom into your next adventure with you. As always, you are more that welcome to digitally send in your finished artwork to my facebook group Meadowshire Studio. I look forward to seeing what you done! ... [click here for more]
Enjoy a free page from the upcoming Meadowshire Studio celebratory coloring book by Eric Lindgren. You are invited to submit your finished page to the Meadowshire Studio Facebook Group when you are finished. ... [click here for more]
Enjoy a free page from Meadowshire Studio Fairies by E. K. Lindgren. You are warmly invited to show off your finished work on the Meadowshire Studio Facebook Group when you have finished.
With warmest regards,
e. k. lindgren ... [click here for more]