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In 2004, the World of Darkness Rulebook introduced a concept that intrigued, tantalized and inspired readers and players, and left them with the question:
What is the God-Machine?
You hold in your hands the book that might answer that question...or might simply complicate it. The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology contains new fiction by Justin Achilli, Eddy Webb, Stew Wilson, David... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Walk through the ages...
As a companion to Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras this anthology reveals secrets of the mystics, whispers rumors of the dead, and shines a light into the darkest corners of the world.
This collection includes historical stories based within the shadowed past of Vampire: the Requiem, Mage: the Awakening, Werewolf: the Forsaken,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Ten Tales of Dark & Secretive Orders
Lovecraft envisioned a world in which humanity is ignorant of cosmic realities. When the bleak truth is revealed, it terrifies us, for it offers no hope of our salvation. Cultists are the gatekeepers to this knowledge. Their aim is to keep secret the existence of their gods by any means possible, and to free their gods from their slumbering prisons — thus... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us
Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"It is only within the last few years that most people have stopped thinking of the West as a new land. I suppose the idea gained ground because our own especial civilisation happens to be new there; but nowadays explorers are digging beneath the surface and bringing up whole chapters of life that rose and fell among these plains and mountains before recorded history began."
—H.P. Lovecraft, “The... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Lovecraftian cosmic terror meets modern-day conspiracy in 18 tales of horror and personal apocalypse:
"The Color of Dust" by Laurel Halbany.
"PAPERCLIP" by Kenneth Hite.
"A Spider With Barbed-Wire Legs" by Davide Mana.
"Le Pain Maudit" by Jeff C. Carter.
"Cracks in the Door" by Jason Mical.
"Ganzfeld Gate" by Cody Goodfellow.
"Utopia" by David Farnell.
"The Perplexing Demise of Stooge Wilson" by David... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Be a good dog. Protect your home. Be loyal to those who are true. These are the words of the Code of Man.
- Sister Picassa Collie, Shepherd of the Church of Man
Dogs have inherited the world, building the kingdom of Pugmire untold centuries after the Ages of Man are over. These dogs have been uplifted to use tools and language, and they seek to rediscover the ruins of the Old Ones.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The magic of bestiaries, or dictionaries of mythological creatures, has been captivating the human imagination since ancient times. Now, Stone Skin Press brings a fresh take on these compendiums of the fantastic with its latest anthology—Gods, Memes and Monsters. Featuring over sixty authors, this stunning international volume offers entries and short stories that range from... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
$15.99 $6.40
The Complete Mythos Fiction of Lin Carter (including the episodic novel "The Terror Out of Time")
The late Lin Carter was the driving force behind the famous Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series of the 1970's. He was also a prolific writer and anthologist of horror and fantasy with over eighty titles to his credit, including Lovecraft: A Look at the Cthulhu Mythos.
Carter's tales of mythos horror are... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Early Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos by the Author of Psycho
“H.P. Lovecraft — like his creation, Cthulhu — never truly died. He and his influence live on, in the work of so many of us who were his friends and acolytes. Today we have reason for rejoycing in the widespread revival of his canon. . . . If a volume such as this has any justification for its existence, it’s because... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
What hope has a humble adventurer when faced with a fight against Cthulhu himself? No matter; the true swordsperson cares only for the bite of steel against flesh, whether that flesh be eldritch or more conventional. So, grab your khukuri knife, your iklwa spear, or a legendary blade and journey with us from ancient Rome to feudal Japan, from the Dreamlands to lands there are no names for in any of... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
Delta Green: Tales from Failed Anatomies is a collection of stories by award-winning author and game designer Dennis Detwiller.
These tales of cosmic terror and personal horror span the life of Delta Green, the desperate organization that Detwiller helped create: a group of men and women who have seen the awful truths of reality and struggle to keep those realities at bay as long as they can.... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
You are NOT CLEARED for this book.
These eight tales of cosmic horror and personal apocalypse were not written to make you feel secure about your place in the universe. They are here to unsettle you, to horrify you, and to challenge your misguided notions of history, humanity, and morality. Enjoy. Born of the federal government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts,... [click here for more] |
Pagan Publishing |
Take your seat.
Delta Green: Dark Theatres presents eight new stories of intrigue and horror, eight theaters in which desperate actors engage clandestine passion plays for the grim amusement of alien gods, Witness the horrors of the Raids on Innsmouth the terrible secrets of World War II, the tropical nightmare of Vietnam, the chill vacuum of Yuggoth, the asynchronous folds of space-time,... [click here for more] |
Pagan Publishing |
BOOK OF THE KINDRED is the sourcebook for VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE, created by Mark Rein-Hagen, co producer of TV's KINDRED: THE EMBRACED.
It tells the tale of the Kindred from the legends of ancient times to the harsh realities of modern nights. It investigates mysteries and reveals secrets that... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 Poul Anderson (1926–2001) was a giant in the world of science fiction and fantasy. Known for his rich storytelling and well-researched plots, Anderson left a significant mark on the genre. Throughout his career, Anderson wrote many acclaimed books and short stories. Some of his most famous works include the “Polesotechnic League” and “Terran Empire” series, which explore the far reaches of... [click here for more] |
Wildside Press |
Who willingly walks into a haunted house?
Ghost hunters explore dark places, investigate clues and uncover secrets of the dead. Evidence of an afterlife may prove elusive and few hunters recognize some things are best left buried and forgotten.
Suspense and intrigue lurks inside HAUNTED: 11 Tales of Ghostly Horror. Unlock the clues in these eleven mysteries:
+ A curious ghost hunter tracks... [click here for more] |
FR Press |
People often say that there are no such things as monsters. They are wrong. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and other unnamable horrors co-exist with us. Watching us. Using us. Preying upon us.
Welcome to Pinebox, a sleepy little East Texas town with a lot more than its share of trouble. Whether it's the haunted diner luring weary travelers, the unexplained 'alligator attacks", or the crone who just... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
In churches and convents and other religious communities, sisterhood takes many forms, forged and tested by such mundane threats as disease and despair, but also by terrors both spiritual and existential—Satan’s subtle minions and the cosmic nightmare of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories presents sixteen horror stories by some of the genre’s leading female... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
New Stories of the Children of Dagon
"Right here in our own state of Massachusetts, in February of 1928, agents of the U.S. Treasury and Justic Departments perpetrated crimes worthy of Nazi Germany against a powerless minority of our citizens . . . When the dust of this jack-booted invasion had settled, no citizens [of Innsmouth, Massachusetts] were found guilty of any crime but the desire to live... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
‘The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.’
So begins H. P. Lovecraft’s essay “Supernatural Horror in Literature,” arguably the most important analysis of horror ever written. Yet while hordes of writers have created works based on Lovecraft’s... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
More Beauty, Wonder, and Weirdness of the Ninth World
Life after death, time travel, teleportation. The things that are impossible now—these are things that aren’t just possible in the Ninth World, but probable. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a noble, a thief, a tinkerer, or a serial killer, when you come face to face with impossibilities becoming realities, you must make hard choices.... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
Every generation fits the time-honored constants of the hero tale to its own needs. Today’s serial adventurers, whether they burst from re-envisioned histories or ply the humming foredecks of an imagined future, ride a cresting cultural wave. Through thirteen thrilling stories of threatened identity and vanquished disorder, The New Hero 2’s diverse cast of top writers slices, dices and... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
 This is the future of horror!
Editor Jonathan Oliver, fast becoming the most exciting new anthologist of the weird and horrific, here brings together three of his award-winning anthologies for Solaris. Here are House of Fear, Magic and End of the Road, showcasing forty-nine stories by the most important and ground-breaking names in genre fiction, including
Rebellion |
Slices of Fate is a unique collection featuring the works of Eddy Webb. Stories within range from the author's nod to literary tales as in his piece "A Sheepish Trip to Yorkshire" to his more speculative work such as "The Battlefield."
Essays include a series on two of Webb's oldest loves: wrestling and Sherlock Holmes. Combined with several pieces of microfiction, this... [click here for more] |
FR Press |
Stories in the Ether is a quarterly storytelling anthology of fantasy, steampunk, and science fiction short stories from Nevermet Press. This issue features 13 compelling works by Therese Arkenberg, David Bell, Charlie Britten, Matt Delman, Tim Kane, KA Masters, David Perlmutter, Gary Phillips, Michael Morrison, Jason Rolfe, Dawn Vogel, David Wright, and Lee Clarke Zumpe. Artwork inspired by... [click here for more] |
Nevermet Press |
Stories in the Ether is a digital story telling anthology of fantasy, steampunk, and science fiction short stories from Nevermet Press. Issue 2 features nine compelling works by Marissa Wolden, Ian Vassilaros, Jim Reader, Sevan Taylor, Craig Comer, Paul Jones, Tucker Cummings, Michael Burnside, and Alexander B. Joy. Illustrations by Paul Hagwood, Rob Torno, Kenya Ferrand, and Matt Lichtenwalner.... [click here for more] |
Nevermet Press |
Open the Nisaba Journal and immerse yourself in original fiction gathered from your favorite worlds. Issue One collects a half-dozen tales from three of Green Ronin's most popular settings—Freeport, Blue Rose, and Mutants & Masterminds—and offers ideas for incorporating the heroes, villains, and adventures from the stories into the ones you tell in your own campaigns.... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |
$6.99 $5.24
 Open the Nisaba Journal and immerse yourself in original fiction gathered from your favorite worlds. Issue Two collects seven tales from three of Green Ronin's most popular settings—Freeport, Blue Rose, and Mutants & Masterminds—and offers ideas for incorporating the heroes, villains, and adventures from the stories into the ones you tell in your own campaigns.... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |
$6.99 $5.24
So I travelled, stopping ever and again, in great strides of a thousand years or more, drawn on by the mystery of the earth's fate, watching with a strange fascination the sun grow larger and duller in the westward sky, and the life of the old earth ebb away...
These words marked the passing of the man known only as The Time Traveler as he sailed across the span of Earth's timeline... [click here for more] |
Northern Frights Publishing |
People often say that there are no such things as monsters. They are wrong. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and other unnamable horrors co-exist with us. Watching us. Using us. Preying upon us.
Welcome to Pinebox, a sleepy little East Texas town with a lot more than its share of trouble. Whether it's the haunted diner luring weary travelers, the unexplained 'alligator attacks", or the crone who just... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |