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 A brave warrior journeys to the Kingdom of Morn to battle a cruel and vicious dragon. A fantasy adventure perfect for young readers and bedtime stories ... [click here for more] |
Stew Shearer |
Pay What You Want

Killing the priest would not be easy, but he would die soon; Kaja Dawne would see to it. She just needed to get him alone in his magically warded temple, kill him away from the eyes of the innocent people of Farik. Then she could steal his last breath and eat his heart, forever freeing the citizens of Farik of the despicable man who had inflicted a plague on them in order to... [click here for more] |
Christina Stiles Presents |
Pay What You Want
 Skylark Three (written in 1930) is the second book in the Skylark series and is set a year after the events of The Skylark of Space, during which year antagonist Marc DuQuesne has used the wealth he obtained in the previous book to buy a controlling interest in the story's 'World Steel Corporation', a large company known for its ruthless attitude. When the story begins DuQuesne announces... [click here for more] |
The Masked Ferret Spaces |
Pay What You Want
 Brilliant government scientist Richard Seaton discovers a remarkable faster-than-light fuel that will power his interstellar spaceship, The Skylark. His ruthless rival, Marc DuQuesne, and the sinister World Steel Corporation will do anything to get their hands on the fuel. They kidnap Seaton's fiancäe and friends, unleashing a furious pursuit and igniting a burning desire for revenge that will propel... [click here for more] |
The Masked Ferret Spaces |
Pay What You Want
 Virtual World, Real Ambition
The game "Thousand Tales" offers exciting features: the first true artificial intelligence, and for some players, the chance to have their brains permanently "uploaded" into its virtual world. Uploading offers ultimate luxury for the rich, survival for the dying, a haven for criminals -- and for everyone, the chance to change and learn and make new things.... [click here for more] |
Kris Schnee |
Pay What You Want
 Designed as advanced weapons of war, anthropomorphic tigers succeeded far beyond the plans of their creators when they hunted humanity to extinction. Purposeless—for they had been designed to kill—the tigers were left to question the meaning of their existence.
Over the years, they developed sophisticated technologies, growing in knowledge until the... [click here for more] |
Rianna Stahl |
Pay What You Want
ET: An Infinite Horizons Character Piece
Character Pieces are designed to give a little flavor and life to the up-and-coming Infinite Horizons Campaign Settig by CandleLight Games, LLC.
These are short pieces of fiction, not more more than 2 or 3 pages and are available in the .epub format. ... [click here for more] |
CandleLight Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Tam and Dram: An Infinite Horizons Character Piece
Character Pieces are designed to give a little flavor and life to the up-and-coming Infinite Horizons Campaign Settig by CandleLight Games, LLC.
These are short pieces of fiction, not more more than 2 or 3 pages and are available in the .epub format. ... [click here for more] |
CandleLight Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
 d66 Random Modern Name Sampler is a great time-saving tool for authors, Game Masters, and players.
Use a pair of regular 6-sided dice to generate more than 1290 unique modern, mixed-gender names.
Have you ever drawn a complete blank when your players meet a new NPC and want to know their name? Have you ever struggled for a name for your new mercenary character for your latest novel? ... [click here for more] |
CyborgPrime Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Poetry is the whispering of the heart, and only can be written from the heart. However, sometimes we can write things from other experiences, or a place of longing, away from the stillness of the heart—of the purity. It is in my experience, since I have known Shawn, that he had the potential to rescue from his heart the pure essence of his experiences, and the voice of silence. It was in 2009 that... [click here for more] |
Shawn Roske |
Pay What You Want
 Androids & You
Written by Bill Stuart
Adapted by David Hinde Chapman
Featuring Steve Anderson
Story first published in On Spec Magazine (Summer 2006)
Winner: Siver Mark Time Award (2007) ... [click here for more] |
David Chapman |
Pay What You Want
 The first look at a new space opera series starring a female protagonist.
Aliens, Bigfoot, Robots, Oh my.
New Joan Gleen adventure soon!!!
Comments cheerfully read and criticism cheerfully ignored.
From the author of Here Be A Dragon and Block 27... [click here for more] |
James R Spencer |
Pay What You Want
 Wherein our hero learns the true nature of a University Edication
Comments cheerfully read and criticism cheerfully ignored.
From the author of BEM's Are People Too and Here Be A Dagon... [click here for more] |
James R Spencer |
Pay What You Want
 Anthology of Poetry
1991 to 2019 ... [click here for more] |
Andrew Smazogz |
Pay What You Want
 In 1958, World War II still rages on. History is bent and almost broken. Cities and whole countries lie in ruins. One woman, with her Australian airship and crew, desperately tries to save what remains. If she fails, civilization may fail with her.
Darkness Eternal is a series of fifty stories, all set in the same broken world but in different times and places. You can read them... [click here for more] |
Russell Secord |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to "Discovering Taropian Songs," a journey into a Tarot unlike any other. This is not merely a guidebook; it's an odyssey into the heart of a new Tarot deck that beckons the traveler to explore not just cards, but pathways of consciousness. Taropian Songs is a deck birthed from the union of time-honored wisdom and innovative vision, designed to awaken both neophyte and adept to the limitless... [click here for more] |
Slip the Trap |
Pay What You Want
 The debut fantasy novel by Gunnar Södergren: an urban fantasy that takes place in the Swedish city of Malmö. NOVEL IN SWEDISH SWEDISH DESCRIPTION:
I Sverige lever och verkar Måndöttrarna – en organisation som tränar och samordnar Sveriges magiker och ser till att allmänheten förblir ovetande om deras – och det övernaturligas – existens. En sen höstkväll hittar Måndottern och mentalisten... [click here for more] |
Gunnar Södergren |
Pay What You Want
 A young girl seeks out a magical creature to prolong the summer season. A cozy fantasy tale perfect for young readers and bedtime stories. ... [click here for more] |
Stew Shearer |
Pay What You Want
 Samuel befriends a dragon, then to save his family he must become an dragon himself, well sort of.
Comments cheerfully read and criticism cheerfully ignored.
From the author of BEM's Are People Too and Block 27... [click here for more] |
James R Spencer |
Pay What You Want
 In the aftermath of a battle a ship drifts helplessly in space. Is the strange new warship they were fighting still out there? Will it come back for them? Commander Johnson faces a desperate race to get her destroyer back into action and save her crew.
"If you liked Alien, you'll love Independence." "I would recommend this to anyone looking for a deep science fiction story. It... [click here for more] |
Alasdair Shaw |
Pay What You Want
 Step onto the deck of the skyship, the Pirate Queen and join first mate Esme, Prince Sasha, and the genie Sting on a spectacular voyage across the Endless Desert. A botched raid on the treasure galleon, the Desert Jewel, earns Esme the enmity of the high wizard al-Hasan and a bounty on her head that leaves her with few friends and fewer options. Forced to choose between her life, her sanity, or secrets... [click here for more] |
Andrew G. Schnieder |
Pay What You Want
Aiden stepped into the teleport with his family, but never reached mars. At least, this version of him didn't.
While his original is enjoying a holiday, he—the illegal duplicate—is paralysed from the neck down and told to steal sensitive data from the interplanetary security corporation he works for. If he doesn't, his family and his original self will be killed.
What he doesn't know is that... [click here for more] |
Anastasia Swift |
Pay What You Want

Sin Eater is a comic series about a man who can absolve sins by consuming them.
Fourteen men and women survive the destruction of the Tower of Babel. They are tasked with saving Man's soul through the act of consuming all of their accumulated sin. Through the ravages of time, the Sin eaters are always there. They view everything that you have ever done, and defeat your inner demons in order for... [click here for more] |
Sineatercomics |
Pay What You Want
Spectral Confinements is a collection of seven sci-fi and fantasy short stories with elements of horror, characterized by an anthropocentric focus. ... [click here for more] |
Spiros Lolos |
Pay What You Want
 You're holding a book that's a bit different. It's not a novel, not a single story, but my first cracks at writing fiction. Venturing into the art of storytelling has been a transformative journey that commenced in the spring of 2020.
Before that, I was the reader, not the writer, consuming philosophy books and novels like they were going out of style. But writing my own stuff? That was a whole new... [click here for more] |
Slip the Trap |
Pay What You Want
 Testing Edon
Written by Robert J. Santa
Adapted by David Hinde Chapman
Featuring Brian Dion & Steve Anderson
Story first published in On Spec Magazine (Summer 2005) ... [click here for more] |
David Chapman |
Pay What You Want
 A book of short stories. ... [click here for more] |
Slip the Trap |
Pay What You Want
The Society for the Remarkable Suicide is about a group that helps people kill themselves in very unique ways. Trevor a up and coming executive and Catherine a drug using goth girl, join the Society to leave this world. Through planning their suicides together they find a reason to live, each other. This doesn't go down... [click here for more] |
Cremona Publishing |
Pay What You Want