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In 2004, the World of Darkness Rulebook introduced a concept that intrigued, tantalized and inspired readers and players, and left them with the question:
What is the God-Machine?
You hold in your hands the book that might answer that question...or might simply complicate it. The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology contains new fiction by Justin Achilli, Eddy Webb, Stew Wilson, David... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When rookie racer Tezz Fletcher wrecks her beloved Shin-Hyung in the underground street racing league known as the Kaidō Club, it's clear her #1 rival Miranda Lopez is to blame. It's even clearer that the wreck drives a deeper wedge between the two former friends.
But when Tezz's totaled ride ends up in the clutches of a Seattle megacorp trying to steal... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
On the hunt, your blood races. When something hunts you, it runs cold. Your blood carries the future of Uratha and the burning fire of kuruth. It’s powerful, but ultimately transient.
You know things in your bones. They change with your forms but stay strong. The power of your teeth and claws comes from your bone. It runs deeper than blood, a slow power that doesn’t fade.
So you hunt. It’s... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Created wake with a flash of lightning, a gush of water, or a mouthful of air. They stumble into life, knowing barely enough to play at being human.
But human is exactly what they must become. The urges in their alchemical bodies, the marks left by the Prometheans preceding, and every instinct they possess, tells them that Humanity is the goal. Strive, learn, struggle, and reach the New Dawn.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
In the City of Lies, whom do you think you can trust?
Bayushi Yojiro is known as the “only honest Scorpion” in the samurai clan infamous for its liars, schemers, and secrets. As an Emerald Magistrate, his duty is to uphold the Emperor’s laws and ensure justice is done. As a Scorpion, his duty is to loyally serve the interests of his clan—even if that means sacrificing his... [click here for more] |
Aconyte Books |
$14.95 $3.99
PENNY DREADFUL A Mage: The Ascension Novel By Kevin Andrew Murphy
Penelope Anne Drizkowski-Penny Dreadful to her friends-leads an interesting life, but it's starting to get just a bit too interesting. First off, a young lady has enough trouble fending off unwanted advances, but what is one to do when they're from vampires? What about werewolves?
Then again, most girls aren't witches.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
What is the deep one skeletal structure? How does the byakhee hune organ allow them to travel through interstellar space? What organs and biological material makeup the mysterious and ancient flying polyps?
These questions and more will be answered in Luis Merlo’s groundbreaking scientific study of the anatomy, biology, and ecology of more than two dozen Lovecraftian horrors!
Luis... [click here for more] |
Petersen Games |
$39.99 $9.99
The Garou’s ancient struggle against the corruption of the world continues on, year after year, blow after blow. The names of the fallen outnumber the living. Their enemies are legion: vile subsidiaries of Pentex, Inc.; mutated Black Spiral Dancers; creatures warped beyond imagination by the taint of the Wyrm; and even, tragically, their own pride, long-held vendettas, and explosive rage.
They... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Unchained don't take anything for granted.
They recognize four Incarnations, based on the types of angels they were. Four Agendas, based on the types of demons they've become. Four Keys to the Cipher, creating a series of Interlocks. They understand all of this, but they strive to remember that what has been is not necessarily what must be. Included herein are eight stories... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Songs of the Sun
Each dawn reveals new wonders to Gaia’s shapeshifting children. Each time Helios rises above the horizon, they face a new day of uncovering secrets, unveiling duplicity, and standing strong for the good of Gaia and those she claims as Her own.
Songs of the Moon
Each dusk brings new dangers well. The Changing Breeds do not have the strength of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |

Empires collide and loyalties are tested in this galaxy-spanning, action-packed science fiction novel set in the expansive universe of Twilight Imperium.
Akenzi, a shrewd Hacan trader, has Gamma Eridius – a planet potentially rich in resources – in his sights to bolster his reputation and fill his pockets. What begins as a mission to secure backers and defend... [click here for more] |
Aconyte Books |
Embark on a thrilling journey with Princess Lucinda and her friends in "Princess Lucinda and the Wand Witch." Follow the precocious 13-year-old witch princess as she navigates the complexities of friendship, magic, and adventure in a transdimensional empire in exile.
In this latest installment of the beloved Princess Lucinda series, readers are introduced to Ari,... [click here for more] |
Relentless Fiction |
$10.99 $4.99
 Journey through 10 short stories of chaos, conflict, and confusion. In these worlds, giant spiders control household pests, stealth bombers reengineer the atmosphere, and foul horrors lurk beneath mind-altering trees.
You’ll be fine as long as you remember a few golden rules: Beware sales contracts offered by friendly environmental saviors, don’t ask what it took to build a towering wall along... [click here for more] |
Nomadic Delirium Press |
The Known Text • The Secret Doctrine • Additional Sources • A Life of Mme. Blavatsky
"The Stanzas, therefore, give an abstract formula which can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to all evolution: to that of our tiny earth, to that of the chain of planets of which that earth forms one, to the solar Universe to which that chain belongs, and so on, in an ascending scale, till the mind reels and... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 The Mark of Zorro
This is a literary translation of the original public-domain text
The language has been updated from the 1919 original to contemporary American English.
The text has been edited to make it more concise and accessible to a broader audience.
Language that would today be considered racist but was acceptable at the time has been removed.
For comparison, the original before translation:... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
 In the Belly of the Beast is inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft and the epic tabletop game Cthulhu Wars, published by Petersen Games.
Contained in this book are eight short stories and a compete novel. The short stories are all inspired by the factions and cults of the “Cthulhu Wars” game, and the Cthulhu Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft and his collaborators.
The novel, In the Belly of the Beast,... [click here for more] |
Petersen Games |
The Federated Suns have long been held as the pinnacle of military professionalism and skill in the Inner Sphere, a reputation earned across centuries of combat on hundreds of worlds. But when the Word of Blake launches their Jihad and attacks the Suns capital world, New Avalon, even that reputation will be put to the test.
Marshal of the Armies Jackson Davion is the heir to a centuries-old tradition... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
People often say that there are no such things as monsters. They are wrong. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and other unnamable horrors co-exist with us. Watching us. Using us. Preying upon us.
Welcome to Pinebox, a sleepy little East Texas town with a lot more than its share of trouble. Whether it's the haunted diner luring weary travelers, the unexplained 'alligator attacks", or the crone who just... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
 This is a NEW EDITION of Slipping Through released on the 1st of June 2023. Now an all new anthology in collaboration with three authors: Victoria Pearson, Michael Wombat & K.R. Smith. The Twilight Zone meets Quantum Leap meets The Outer Limits meets Sliders Ever wonder what happens after death? What other dimensions might await you? Or what would happen if you tried... [click here for more] |
Purple Queen Publishing |
 "Step into the enchanting world of Minerva Winters, the pragmatic witch of the Greater Manhattan area, and join her on a thrilling adventure in 'Minerva Mysteries: The King Under the City.' In this captivating audio adventure, Minerva, alongside her boyfriend Oliver, embarks on a quest to unravel the mysteries hidden beneath the bustling streets of the city that never sleeps.
As the story unfolds,... [click here for more] |
Relentless Fiction |
$7.99 $1.99
For Wendlyn, the coastal logging town of Otari provides more opportunities for mischief than true adventures, but that's about to change. When she and her friend Eleukas, a member of the village guard, stumble across a horrible accident on the outskirts of town, they soon find themselves embroiled in a mystery that will take them far beyond the safety of their hometown. With the help of Wendlyn's sister—an... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 NOTE: PDF is FULL COLOR, Print is B&W The horrors of the virtual bleed into the real world as an innocent game turns deadly!
Our senses define existence, give substance to reality, grounding us in a communal realm where “up” and “down” are clearly, universally defined. But for those plugged in to the Engine, a new existence awaits. ‘Lost Reality’ promised Ted and his friends... [click here for more] |
Asylum Ink |
$5.13 $4.99
The last survivors of the raid on the Barrow of Azharad are faced with difficult choices and new revelations, hard truths and visions of the future. This is the third and final part of BLACK HEART (sequel to THE BARROW and a prequel to the ARTESIA graphic novels): THE SACRIFICIAL ALTAR.
Includes illustrated chapter breaks. WARNING: Contains graphic violence and sexual situations.
File Formats... [click here for more] |
Aegis & Gorgon |
The last survivors of the raid on the Barrow of Azharad have scattered to the four winds, each walking a separate path. For some, it is the path of noble service, as the households of great kings and warlords beckon, offering a chance to enter the fray of politics with the fate of nations on the line. For others, it is the path of secrets and magic, as the veil of the world parts open to reveal the... [click here for more] |
Aegis & Gorgon |
A massive invasion fleet is destroyed almost to a man. Legions of soldiers, confident of victory, are cut down before they even reach the ground. Those that do make landfall are bombarded and shattered and rained with nuclear fire. Elsewhere, veterans long retired from combat are called back to duty by desperate times. Explorers comb unknown worlds... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
 Minerva Winters, the head witch of the greater Manhattan area, experiences an unforeseen twist when an otherworldly visitor named Mizeriel, an Archangel of heroic stature, arrives with news of a missing Cherub. Reluctantly, Minerva joins forces with Mizeriel to locate the elusive celestial being, deeply concerned about the consequences of its presence in her city.
As they delve into the mystery surrounding... [click here for more] |
Relentless Fiction |
$8.99 $3.99
Jade Falcon Galaxy Commander Malvina Hazen and her warriors are in their Occupation Zone, overseeing the consolidation of power on the worlds they've wrested from the collapsing Republic of the Sphere. When a ship appears at Skye's jump point and its commander declares a Trial of Possession for the Mongol Doctrine, the warfare strategy he claims Malvina stole... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
The Best Weird Tales of Arthur Machen, Volume 3
Arthur Machen produced some of the most evocative weird fiction in all literary history. Written with impeccably mellifluous prose, infused with a powerful mystical vision, and imbued with a wonder and terror that he felt with every fiber of his being, his novels and tales will survive when works of far greater technical accomplishment... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
The universe has gone dark. Interstellar communications has been lost across the Inner Sphere, threatening the corporate giant ComStar—and maybe civilization itself. Risking everything on a last chance for survival, Comstar has kidnapped the engineering genius Tucker Harwell, hoping he can unravel the mystery of the blackout. But Tucker isn’t just working on... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
 Vol. 1 of the Best Weird Tales of Arthur Machen
. . . He was hot on his trail, growing lean with eagerness; and in the evenings, when the sun was swimming on the verge of the mountain, he would pace the terrace to and fro with his eyes on the ground, while the mist grew white in the valley, and the stillness of the evening brought far voices near, and the blue smoke rose a straight column from... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 NOTE: PDF is in FULL COLOR, print is in Black & White.
“The Old Ones are waking once more…”
The Artist’s masterpiece is a gruesome creation, wrought from the flesh and blood of the city’s residents. He’s driven to rival the greatest artists of all time with his bloody work, all to appease his monstrous and powerful masters from beyond our world. His... [click here for more] |
Asylum Ink |
 One week to save the child, bargain with Death and get the girl…
Child Protective Services Attorney Maeve Malveaux is sure that Chrysandra Arneson needs to be rescued from her rich, powerful and abusive family. But how? Her boss won’t listen to her and neither will the judge. But after she gets taken off the case and sent on involuntary leave to get her out of the way, she’s determined... [click here for more] |
Queen of Swords Press |
A Clan Jade Falcon invasion force is en route to eradicate the Steel Wolves—but its true mission is the subjugation of the Republic of the Sphere. Constrained by an imposed peace for decades, the Falcons embark on their most spectacular war in generations—and their lust for blood runs hot...
Sibkin Malvina and Aleks Hazen are Jade Falcon’s best and brightest... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Each world stretched across vast millennia of time. Each played host to a race whose civilizations rose to supremacy but eventually died or scattered, disappeared or transcended. During the time that each world flourished, those that ruled it spoke to the stars, reengineered their physical bodies, and mastered form and essence, all in their own... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
 A mysterious tropical island, shrouded in jungle, in which disquieting ruins await to be explored. The secrets of the dread Enotrian pirates, scourge of the seas of Norindaal. Ancient treasures. Supernatural menaces. And four adventurers that were not supposed to be here. Haq, Kil, Gress and Varda are back, and stranded on the Island of the Screaming Statues. It should have been an easy job...
A... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
To anyone interested in supernatural fiction, the work of Welsh master Arthur Machen (1863-1947) is a fundamental starting point.
In 2008, Stephen King called Machen's "The Great God Pan (included here) "Maybe the best [horror story] in the English language in an interview.
And H.P. Lovecraft wrote: "Of living creators of cosmic fear raised to its most artistic pitch, few if any... [click here for more] |
Wildside Press |
The last survivors of the raid on the Barrow of Azharad find themselves slipping further and further into webs of danger and intrigue. Erim, carrying a special burden, finds death behind the pleasant facade of the Tournament of Flowers; Godewyn Red-Hand enters into the service of men of power and ill intent; Stjepan Black-Heart walks high trails in the wild hills of the Manon Mole; and Annwyn of the... [click here for more] |
Aegis & Gorgon |
 An impending war will annihilate an empire and plunge the galaxy into millennia of darkness, in the first volume of an epic new space opera trilogy from Twilight Imperium.
Millennia ago the great empire of the Lazax brought the galaxy to heel, but now their ancient doctrine of strength and peace is failing. In the shadows, other factions begin to move against each other and... [click here for more] |
Aconyte Books |
Betrayal Knows No Boundaries
A cruel lover who refashions her prey. A bioengineered warrior on the run. An internet mapping service with a stalker’s eye. A carjacker with a conscience. A Victorian thespian turned super-criminal. A murderer of video game characters. All these and more meet in the poison-soaked pages of Schemers, a genre-spanning short fiction exploration of grand schemes, Machiavellian... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
The Best Weird Tales of Arthur Machen Volume 2
Born in Wales in 1863, Machen was a London journalist for much of his life. Among his fiction, he may be best known for the allusive, haunting title story of this book, "The White People", which H. P. Lovecraft thought to be the second greatest horror story ever written (after Blackwood's "The Willows").
This wide ranging collection also includes the... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 In the shadowy depths of the Underkeep, where ancient dwarven magic holds sway, two friends are about to discover that some doors are better left closed.
When apprentice sorcerer Aaron and the adventurous Shanna stumble upon a hidden chamber, a simple treasure hunt transforms into a deadly game of wit and survival. Trapped in a room where every word is a riddle and every answer means... [click here for more] |
Umberland |
The Assassin lurched and staggered, vanishing from view in a fountain of mud, water and splintering metal. It emerged after a second, one arm hanging limply and its torso armour pitted and dented. Halsey dropped the cannon on target and let fly on maximum rapid fire, shells slamming from the massive bore and tearing into the Assassin's chest cavity. The WarMek stumbled, then toppled forwards into... [click here for more] |
Antimony Sun |
 A marriage made in heaven, a murder made in hell.
Why kill the man you love?
Lizzy Dyson is on trial for her life. She knows she must pay for what she did, even though it wasn’t planned, but will the jury believe that?
A whydunnit rather than a whodunnit, Sleep follows a woman on trial for killing her husband and his lover. Was it premeditated,... [click here for more] |
Purple Queen Publishing |
 Enter the mystical world of Minerva, the esteemed head witch of New York City. When her boyfriend, Oliver, persuades her to attend the ultimate genre convention, Manhattan-Con, they quickly realize that things are not as they seem. A seemingly eccentric comic book writer and self-proclaimed occult master, Carl Olson, announces to his fans that he plans to summon the Great Old Ones. What appears to... [click here for more] |
Relentless Fiction |
$12.99 $6.99
Vlad III Drăcula. A warleader in a warlike time: brilliant, charismatic, pious. But what became of him? What drove him to become a creature of darkness—Bram Stoker’s cruel, ambitious “Un-Dead”—and what use did he make of this power, through the centuries?
More than a hundred years after the monster’s death, the descendants of the survivors... [click here for more] |
Rebellion |

At the Docks, a generations-old Halloween tradition of forgotten origin goes awry, with very real consequences for the people of Freeport. This short story is set in Green Ronin's City of Freeport.
... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |
 High mages lied: Veranesh, the demon who destroyed the continent is still alive. And it's up to their former student to expose the truth—even if it means another Cataclysm.
When Kamira, a once high mage student turned arcanist, discovers an imprisoned demon in underground ruins, she is forced into a pact that grants her powerful magic, but also ties her to the very demon that once devastated... [click here for more] |
Joanna Maciejewska |
Now firmly established as the benchmark anthology series of international speculative fiction, volume 4 of The Apex Book of World SF sees debut editor Mahvesh Murad bring fresh new eyes to her selection of stories.
"A truly unforgettable collection, showcasing the best of speculative fiction that the world has to offer." —Strange Horizons
"The fourth... [click here for more] |
Apex Book Company |
 Things are not going well in eastern Touvette. Beyond the usual uncertainty of life in the River Kingdoms, unseasonably cold weather has been killing crops, bandits have been attacking settlements frequently and viciously, and a refugee crisis is blooming from these problems combined. Stepping into the middle of this turmoil is the cursed sellsword Marcov Draeven, who finds himself compelled by the... [click here for more] |
Paizo |