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On a faraway world in a distant future, a small town sheriff finds a marooned riverboat that looks like it just carried a small army into her jurisdiction. A thief discovers the boat is powered by a valuable piece of off-world technology and decides to steal it. A pilot waiting for his next assignment is extorted by a mysterious stranger who seems to know how it all fits together. When a seemingly... [click here for more] |
Gwydion JMF Weber |
“An exceptional survey of the form... thoroughly researched and full of joy.” —Emily Short (Galatea)
“An awesome exploration of the long history of the genre.” —Nick Walton (AI Dungeon)
Since a winter morning in 1971 when a teacher wheeled a teletype into his classroom to debut a game about the Oregon Trail, people have been... [click here for more] |
Aaron A. Reed |
50 Years of Text Games (2023) told the story of the first half century of interactive fiction in a whirlwind tour of fifty text-based computer games, one for each year between 1971 and 2020. Now available as a standalone volume in PDF and EPUB is this companion book, stuffed with extra chapters and bonus materials that couldn't fit in the main volume.
Inside... [click here for more] |
Aaron A. Reed |

A collection of flash fiction by emerging writers from around the world
Flash Fiction February is one of the most exciting programs we run every year. It’s incredible to see the breadth of genre and style reflected in these pages when we compile the annual collections.
Flash Fiction February continues to grow, and for 2024, we chose a theme: the expansive world of... [click here for more] |
Storytelling Collective |
“The famous Arthur? I had begun to think you were a legend…”
Explore the world of Pendragon
A literary novel of Arthurian legend, Arthur the Soldier peers through the myths of King Arthur, and shows what might have been the Dark Age reality—a blooded soldier, returned from distant wars, striving to bring unity and order to the land... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
“Bring me the fairest girl in all the town,” the Crone croaked. She held out a thin hand, with too-long fingers counting too many digits, and skin dry and cracked like parchment. “And then you, my dear, can go home.”
Four seasons, four novellas. The stories of the Sleepy Hollow freehold take place over the course of a year, and the characters are changed forever as a result.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Remember those nice stories they told you about what’d happen after you died?
They were wrong.
There is no Heaven and there is no Hell. There’s only the Underworld, with the ravening maw of Oblivion at the bottom and the impossible dream of Transcendence at the top. And, somewhere in between, are scores of Restless Dead.
Are you ready to join them?
This collection of stories is inspired by... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The world is a Lie
A prison for souls warped by an Abyss of madness. People Sleep through their lives, never knowing the wonders and terrors concealed from them. Awakened mages see the Lie for what it is, scratching the surface and uncovering the World of Darkness' Mysteries. Each is a revelation, a danger, an obsession in the making. Armed with magic and a need to know, mages confront... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
 Cyprian’s life gets turned upside down when he realizes he’s been Chosen by the Maiden of Secrets as one of her Exalted.
Just as he’s learning about Yu-Shan and his new responsibilities, he connects with Inika, his past self. She left him a mystery to unravel, a murder to solve, and a chance to set the record straight. As he delves into her — and his — past, he learns of her crimes, her... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
We are like you. We live in your cities, we laugh at your jokes, we share your good times and your bad ones. We meet you in clubs and back alleys, at glamorous parties and dive bars. We need you, to sate our endless hunger. We are your Kindred.
They are the smoke and the darkness, things that could have been you or us, creatures of hunger that humanity stole the night from. They are the Strix.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Walk through the ages...
As a companion to Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras this anthology reveals secrets of the mystics, whispers rumors of the dead, and shines a light into the darkest corners of the world.
This collection includes historical stories based within the shadowed past of Vampire: the Requiem, Mage: the Awakening, Werewolf: the Forsaken,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
This collection of Greg Stolze's recent short fiction is packed with retired rock stars, psychic assassins, puzzling aliens and gritty crimes. You get techbros behaving badly alongside zombies behaving predictably. Among these 19 tales there is horror and hard laughs and curious truths about humans and our values. Check it out! ... [click here for more] |
Greg Stolze |
Step back into the Dark Ages...
...into a time when the clans, high and low, battle for blood and power.
Welcome to The Cainite Conspiracies
This collection of short stories inspired by the 20th Anniversary edition of Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Ages features tales by Vampire developers such as Justin Achilli, Eddy Webb, David A. Hill, Jr., and... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
…And nothing will ever be the same again.
The Tarot, a mystical divination deck of cards, has appeared in the Sixth World as a powerful artifact. It works its will on anyone who finds one of its magical cards, from runners surviving on the street to corp executives battling in the boardroom. And not just people’s lives will be changed, for the Awakened Tarot deck is more... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Death is not the end.
You learned that firsthand when you died. In that darkness, you made a deal that brought you back — with something else. Now, bound inextricably to a geist — a shade, a monster, a tragic, broken soul — you stand between the world of the living and the world of the dead.
This collection of eleven stories inspired by Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Before we were six. Now we are one. We differ on many points, but on these we agree: Always trust our instincts, always reward loyalty, and always pounce upon minions of the Unseen. Without these tenets, we are no longer worthy of the adoration of Man.
Monarch Trillani Persian von Mau, deceased
Cats have inherited the world, unifying their six fractious monarchies after untold... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Is a life of running and hiding a life worth living? We say yes. There’s always something between the running and the hiding, and those moments of grace make it all worthwhile.
The Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology is a perfect companion piece to Changeling: The Lost, Second Edition. These stories spin tales of the Lost, of those abducted and enslaved by fairies. Those who escaped, but... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
On the hunt, your blood races. When something hunts you, it runs cold. Your blood carries the future of Uratha and the burning fire of kuruth. It’s powerful, but ultimately transient.
You know things in your bones. They change with your forms but stay strong. The power of your teeth and claws comes from your bone. It runs deeper than blood, a slow power that doesn’t fade.
So you hunt. It’s... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Ten Tales of Dark & Secretive Orders
Lovecraft envisioned a world in which humanity is ignorant of cosmic realities. When the bleak truth is revealed, it terrifies us, for it offers no hope of our salvation. Cultists are the gatekeepers to this knowledge. Their aim is to keep secret the existence of their gods by any means possible, and to free their gods from their slumbering prisons — thus... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us
Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
No one would suspect that Ariadne, the cold and deadly “Silent Knife” of Prince Liliane, was once a sensitive college girl who preferred books to blades. But that life ended when her lover Andre cast her aside, into the waiting fangs of an unknown Sire who fled after the Embrace.
Re-shaped by her Prince’s cruel tutelage, Ariadne has fought hard to earn her place in Liliane’s court. Now... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Created wake with a flash of lightning, a gush of water, or a mouthful of air. They stumble into life, knowing barely enough to play at being human.
But human is exactly what they must become. The urges in their alchemical bodies, the marks left by the Prometheans preceding, and every instinct they possess, tells them that Humanity is the goal. Strive, learn, struggle, and reach the New Dawn.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"It is only within the last few years that most people have stopped thinking of the West as a new land. I suppose the idea gained ground because our own especial civilisation happens to be new there; but nowadays explorers are digging beneath the surface and bringing up whole chapters of life that rose and fell among these plains and mountains before recorded history began."
—H.P. Lovecraft, “The... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Passion. Loss. Laughter. Fear.
Truth is a paradox, especially when magick is involved. To get beyond illusions of reality, then, a person must reach beyond what we think is possible and find what’s really there.
Set in the award-winning world of Mage: The Ascension, the 17 tales featured in this collection span from the bizarre humor of “The Theogenesis Gimmick”... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |

A collection of gothic romance short stories by emerging writers from around the world
Edited by Sersa Victory
Illustrated by Kayla Cline
Immerse yourself in dark, haunting, and romantic short stories celebrating the beloved, enduring genre of gothic romance. Written in the style of mid-century pulp fiction, these stories embrace the genre’s familiar tropes and... [click here for more] |
Storytelling Collective |
$8.99 $6.99
Lovecraftian cosmic terror meets modern-day conspiracy in 18 tales of horror and personal apocalypse:
"The Color of Dust" by Laurel Halbany.
"PAPERCLIP" by Kenneth Hite.
"A Spider With Barbed-Wire Legs" by Davide Mana.
"Le Pain Maudit" by Jeff C. Carter.
"Cracks in the Door" by Jason Mical.
"Ganzfeld Gate" by Cody Goodfellow.
"Utopia" by David Farnell.
"The Perplexing Demise of Stooge Wilson" by David... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
The Sixth World is a dangerous place, with deadly hazards lurking around every corner. Everywhere shadowrunners go, from the top of the world to the deepest, darkest Sprawl neighborhood, someone’s always looking to make their rep by taking you down. World of Shadows is the second anthology of original Shadowrun short stories, each one showcasing some of the most far-flung, treacherous... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
PENNY DREADFUL A Mage: The Ascension Novel By Kevin Andrew Murphy
Penelope Anne Drizkowski-Penny Dreadful to her friends-leads an interesting life, but it's starting to get just a bit too interesting. First off, a young lady has enough trouble fending off unwanted advances, but what is one to do when they're from vampires? What about werewolves?
Then again, most girls aren't witches.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
ENnie Award Nominee for 2018: Best Writing
Lovecraftian cosmic terror meets modern-day conspiracy in these 33 brief tales of horror and personal apocalypse.
The Key
The Junk Shop
Into the West
At the Shore
In the Back Seat
Kay’s Voice
The Witness
Dear Cind
The Phone Man and I
The Lady of the Rock
Between Here and Forever
It Was Not Her
End of the World of the End
What the Voice Said
Water... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
The Garou’s ancient struggle against the corruption of the world continues on, year after year, blow after blow. The names of the fallen outnumber the living. Their enemies are legion: vile subsidiaries of Pentex, Inc.; mutated Black Spiral Dancers; creatures warped beyond imagination by the taint of the Wyrm; and even, tragically, their own pride, long-held vendettas, and explosive rage.
They... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Twenty-five years of Vampire: The Masquerade Twenty-five years of storytelling, adventure, and exploration. In celebration, we bring you eighteen authors that explore the evolution and development of the world of Vampire. From tales of wanton diablerie to the fulfilling of centuries-old religious vows, lover’s sacrifices, and searches for truth. Peel apart the layers and discover... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Stories About the God of a Thousand Forms
The Mighty Messenger of the Outer Gods, Nyarlathotep, has also been known to deliver tidings from the Great Old Ones. He is the only Outer God who chooses to personify his presence on our planet. A god of a thousand forms, he comes to Earth to mock, wreak havoc, and to spur on humanity's self-destructive urges. This volume of stories and poetry illustrates... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
An Alloy of Steel & Officer Material!
Sergeant Theodora Fusilier, serial number 110552, is one of the hundred thousand war machines in the army of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Beyond that share her name. She was programmed to protect innocents, battle alien threats, and obey her human officers. It’s all she’s supposed to need.
But Dora’s always been a rather ambitious machine.... [click here for more] |
Newstand Press |
Be a good dog. Protect your home. Be loyal to those who are true. These are the words of the Code of Man.
- Sister Picassa Collie, Shepherd of the Church of Man
Dogs have inherited the world, building the kingdom of Pugmire untold centuries after the Ages of Man are over. These dogs have been uplifted to use tools and language, and they seek to rediscover the ruins of the Old Ones.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Horripilating Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
Professor Rudolph Pearson moved to New York City after the Great War, hoping to put his past behind him. While teaching Medieval Literature at Columbia University, he helped the police unravel a centuries’ old mystery. At the same moment, he uncovered a threat so terrifying that he could not turn away. With the bloody scribbling of an Old English script in... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Join the Clans and all their friends on their fun-filled adventures against the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere! MechWarriors of all ages can take command—each page features ‘Mechs to color, puzzles, mazes, games, cutting activities and things to make and do. Your favorite ‘Mechs and characters are featured in other great BattleTech products. ... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
 The Shadow over Innsmouth
Horrifying Novelette
This is a literary translation of the original public-domain text
The language has been updated from the 1942 original to contemporary American English.
The text has been edited to make it more concise and accessible to a broader audience.
Language that would today be considered racist but was acceptable... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Selected Stories and Essays Concerning the Blasphemous Tome of the Mad Arab
Although skeptics claim that the Necronomicon is a fantastic tome created by H. P. Lovecraft, true seekers into the esoteric mysteries of the world know the truth: the Necronomicon is the blasphemous tome of forbidden knowledge written by the mad Arab, Abdul Alhazred. Even today, after attempts... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
The Complete Mythos Fiction of Lin Carter (including the episodic novel "The Terror Out of Time")
The late Lin Carter was the driving force behind the famous Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series of the 1970's. He was also a prolific writer and anthologist of horror and fantasy with over eighty titles to his credit, including Lovecraft: A Look at the Cthulhu Mythos.
Carter's tales of mythos horror are... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Reality is a Lie
Most people do not understand how mutable the world truly is. Most people do not realize that they hold the power to shape reality. But a few do, and they are called mages. Mages know that reality is a lie, or rather that any reality can be truth. The mages of the Traditions believe that mankind is destined for Ascension, that we can all be led to a greater... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
13 Tales of Horror Defining Hastur, the King in Yellow, Yuggoth, and the Dread City of Carcosa
SECOND EDITION The stories in this book evoke a tracery of evil rarely rivaled in horror writing. They represent the entire evolving trajectory of such concepts as Hastur, the King in Yellow, Carcosa, the Yellow Sign, the Black Stone, Yuggoth, and the Lake of Hali. A succession... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
The Taint of the Deep Ones in 13 Tales and 3 Poems
The decadent, smugly rotting, secret-filled town of Innsmouth is a supreme creation of Howard Philips Lovecraft. It so finely mixes the carnal and the metaphysical that writers continue to take inspiration from it. New readers squirm in encountering Lovecraft's horrifying vision, then return to revel in the tale's grim wit and careful... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Eochaid Lenahr is dying...
... having given everything to protect one of Scarn’s most dangerous artifacts. But how did the young son of a Venirian farmer ever come to be fighting on the side of the enemy, the nation of Vesh?
Meet the brave, driven Veshian vigilants who stand between a recovering nation and the poisoned, half-mad wilds of Ghelspad. Learn the story behind the Scarred Lands’... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Coldest Shadows
Arcano-archaeologist Elijah knows that digging into the past can be its own reward—or peril. When he’s hired to find an ancient map purported to lead to a mysterious location at the bottom of the world, his professional curiosity is more than roused. But his quest to simply get his hands on the map is more dangerous than he expected—even for a shadow runner.
He and his own... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
A collection of poems by emerging poets from around the world
April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. — Opening stanza of The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot
Once a year, poets from around the world participate in a creative challenge called... [click here for more] |
Storytelling Collective |
Early Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos by the Author of Psycho
“H.P. Lovecraft — like his creation, Cthulhu — never truly died. He and his influence live on, in the work of so many of us who were his friends and acolytes. Today we have reason for rejoycing in the widespread revival of his canon. . . . If a volume such as this has any justification for its existence, it’s because... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Ayami, a newly Exalted Lunar, and her Circle uncover a horrifying necromantic plot.
As they investigate in Sijan, Ayami discovers that a lover from her previous life may have made everything more complicated.
A new Exalted novella made possible by the backers of the Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Kickstarter.
Note: The digital edition includes PDF, ePub, and Mobi (Kindle)... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When Nisal Theras, a Water Aspect Dragon Blooded, is sent on an expedition into the Threshold with Cathay Ineril as her secretary, he is thrust into a web of political intrigue surrounding their charge, Ragara Oremy.
Oremy carries a sacred family artifact back to his home satrapy, and there are those who would kill to get it. Theras and Ineril must protect Oremy before his enemies find the artifact.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Savannah is under siege.
For 20 years the minions of the Wyrm have threatened the Coastal Empire, checked only by the courage and cunning of the Shadow Lords. Every year, the septs of the Southern Protectorate send young warriors to aid in the defense and to prove their mettle in the pressure cooker of the port city.
It’s not enough.
Every night, the Wyrm grows stronger, its forces... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |