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Courting the King in Yellow (The Parted Veil Series: Book One)

Courting the King in Yellow (The Parted Veil Series: Book One)

When Melotte Pharmaceutical moved into the struggling city of Springfield, residents saw it as a godsend. But while the city’s fortunes appear to be turning around, something sinister is brewing within its homeless population. Four newfound friends stumble onto a horrific plan for the city, and their lives will never be the same again. Because on Halloween night, a new horror will be coming...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $6.99 $0.99

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Chasing the King in Yellow (A Parted Veil Series Novella)

Chasing the King in Yellow (A Parted Veil Series Novella)

Evil Doesn’t Die—It Adapts Three years ago, Samantha Cane and Frank Carter’s lives were destroyed as their city became the staging ground for a cult dedicated to the King in Yellow. When the cult enacted a plan to throw the city into chaos, Frank and Sam stopped them with the help of a group called the Parted Veil. But the victory came at a high cost, and it was short-lived. The...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $2.99 $0.99

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Lovecraft's Curse (The Parted Veil Series: Book Two)

Lovecraft's Curse (The Parted Veil Series: Book Two)

A horrific childhood incident cast a shadow over Fela Barton’s life for fourteen years. Now a 20-year-old college student, Fela survived her first semester of living on campus and is finally ready put the past behind her. Until the nightmares start again. Fela’s dreams hold the key to the madness that has plagued her family for generations. But as she searches for answers, a terrible...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $6.99 $2.99

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Lovecraft's Pupil (The Parted Veil Series: Book Three)

Lovecraft's Pupil (The Parted Veil Series: Book Three)

SOME NIGHTMARES YOU CAN'T WAKE UP FROM Fela Barton is a Dreamer. As the great granddaughter of H.P. Lovecraft, Fela has the ability to travel between our waking world and the Dreamlands, a place of both wonders and horrors. But the more Fela learns about the family legacy, the more everyone around her becomes a target. With evil pursuing her across two worlds, is anywhere truly safe? ...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $7.99 $3.99

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Intrusive Thoughts (Volume One)

Intrusive Thoughts (Volume One)

They appear in your mind without warning. Panic-inducing visions of familiar people, places and events twisted into something sinister and frightening. A child's imaginary friend; A carnival photo booth; A snowy winter's night; A lovers' getaway; A harvest celebration; A walk in the woods; A couple's dream house. Once these corrupted versions of reality embed themselves into your...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $6.99 $2.99

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Making Ear Candy: The Audio Confectioner's Guide to Podcasting (Second Edition)

Making Ear Candy: The Audio Confectioner's Guide to Podcasting (Second Edition)

Are you interested in launching your own podcast? The world of podcasting is more accessible than ever, but when you’re just starting out, the options available in terms of recording, editing and delivering your podcast can be overwhelming. Making Ear Candy: The Audio Confectioner’s Guide to Podcasting provides a complete list of ingredients you'll...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $12.99 $9.99

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Making Ear Candy: The Audio Confectioner's Guide to Podcasting

Making Ear Candy: The Audio Confectioner's Guide to Podcasting

Are you interested in starting your own podcast? The world of podcasting is more accessible than ever, but when you’re just starting out, the options available in terms of recording, editing and delivering your podcast can be overwhelming. Making Ear Candy: The Audio Confectioner’s Guide to Podcasting provides a simple recipe for starting a podcast. From choosing your subject matter...   [click here for more]
Brian LeTendre  $9.99 $6.99

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  Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories