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The Esoterrorists 2nd EditionClick to magnify

The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition

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A stand-alone roleplaying game by Robin D Laws

You are elite investigators combating the plots of the Esoterrorists, a loose affiliation of occult terrorists intent on tearing the fabric of the world. The Esoterrorists introduces the GUMSHOE rules system, which revolutionizes investigative scenarios by ensuring that players are never deprived of the crucial clues they need to move the story forward.

Upgrades, Improvements and New Content for the 2nd Edition.

This new edition of The Esoterrorists is 4 times longer and allows you to:

  • Equip your characters with fine-grained investigative abilities, ranging from Interrogation and Data Retrieval to the ever-popular Forensic Entomology and always useful Bullshit Detector.
  • Round them out with 13 crucial action abilities, which help you fight, run away, and retain your mental stability when the horrors come knocking.
  • Absorb the latest, in-depth intelligence data on the terrifying world of the Esoterrorists.
  • Learn the never-before-revealed inner workings of the Ordo Veritatis, the secret international agency that sends you out to smash the foe.
  • Recoil at raw reports detailing all-new creatures of unremitting horror.
  • Root yourself in a site of small town menace with the new Station Duty campaign frame and scenario.
  • Confront fever dreams of the apocalypse in a brand new introductory scenario, OPERATION: PROPHET BUNCO!

Also included, for gamemasters:

  • Data on the terrifying world of the Esoterrorists, and the Ordo Veritatis, the benevolent global conspiracy that fights them
  • Creatures of unremitting horror.
  • Detailed instructions on structuring investigative scenarios for the innovative GUMSHOE system
  • Advice on bringing those scenarios to life in play
  • Operation Slaughterhouse, an advanced example scenario of geopolitical horror

The Esoterrorists is easy to learn, easy to play and replayable by design.

Incorporating years of advice, actual play experience, and design evolution, The Esoterrorists Enhanced Edition includes all the rules you need to play the game that revolutionized investigative roleplaying. Dripping with ichor and jammed with content, this is the heftier, meatier, definitive tome gamers have been crying out for ever since they laid their paws on the original.

Reviews of The Esoterrorists:

… the game does deliver on its promise. You could easily explain the rules to someone in 15 minutes enough so that they could play. You can also learn them enough to run the game in about an hour.

I was apprehensive about the system but I was wrong – it worked really well for me.

The rules are incredible – I honestly think this is the best investigation-based RPG ever printed.

Esoterrorists 2E

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Anthony T October 26, 2023 4:53 pm UTC
Hey Nathan who wrote a review because the file won’t work with IBooks. It’s IBooks. Find another reader I had the same problem with quite a few files until switching.
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Tom B November 26, 2018 10:01 pm UTC
Superb game--an under appreciated classic. Get it!
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File Last Updated:
December 07, 2020
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde November 30, 2013.